If you have not retained legal counsel, do it ASAP.
Hire and retain the best now. The same firms and or attorneys can not represent all of these clients at the same time because they very easily could be testifying against each other or in dispute with each other over facts and may need to cross examine these individuals.
You would think they would be smart enough to have already retained counsel, but they might be arrogant enough to have not retained counsel. Can you imagine Brennan calling a firm and being told: Sorry, Clapper has retained us already, good luck to you.
Hire and retain the best now. The same firms and or attorneys can not represent all of these clients at the same time because they very easily could be testifying against each other or in dispute with each other over facts and may need to cross examine these individuals.
You would think they would be smart enough to have already retained counsel, but they might be arrogant enough to have not retained counsel. Can you imagine Brennan calling a firm and being told: Sorry, Clapper has retained us already, good luck to you.