I have been pro choice my entire life. Used to be 100% pro choice, but zince going through medical school and having 2 children, I’ve kind of gone the “only pre-20 weeks unless medically necessary” route. This, though, is NOT okay. Normalizing and creating humor behind abortion is horrifying. This should NEVER be a light situation. Even if you think it’s just a “sack of cells” and life hasn’t begun, it at the very least is the potential for life. Ending that should never be cause for any type of celebration or humor act. This is my problem w the new “left”, they are taking things way, way too far. Obviously people on the right do too, but they seem to be ostracized by the general public pretty easily. This is in Teen Vogue!
I have been pro choice my entire life. Used to be 100% pro choice, but zince going through medical school and having 2 children, I’ve kind of gone the “only pre-20 weeks unless medically necessary” route. This, though, is NOT okay. Normalizing and creating humor behind abortion is horrifying. This should NEVER be a light situation. Even if you think it’s just a “sack of cells” and life hasn’t begun, it at the very least is the potential for life. Ending that should never be cause for any type of celebration or humor act. This is my problem w the new “left”, they are taking things way, way too far. Obviously people on the right do too, but they seem to be ostracized by the general public pretty easily. This is in Teen Vogue!