Pretty damned good news for burn victims...

Man I wish I could get in on something cool like that which can really change lives. How great would it feel to to work everyday knowing what you've created or are getting out on the market is making peoples lives better.
I was talking to a doctor I know, he pointed out that we will probably see a huge demand for this in the world of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.

Instead of going for a laser or dermabrasion treatment to bring new skin cells to the surface, what if they abraded the skin or actually "burnt" off the top layer with a laser and then sprayed on the new skin cells. It could also likely have the potential to be used to treat issues like birth marks, scars, etc.
What about tatoo removal? Do you even need to be a doctor for tatoo removal? Finally Mike Tyson can fix that thing on his face.
My grandpa was killed decades ago in a huge gas pipeline explosion, he lingered for 3 days with no hope until he passed. Something like this would be a miracle to countless burn victims.
What about tatoo removal? Do you even need to be a doctor for tatoo removal? Finally Mike Tyson can fix that thing on his face.
I don't think it would be effective for tattoo removal, the ink from tattoos is well below the outer layer of skin. (unless of course, they completely cut away that section of skin and began the regeneration process from scratch.)
Reminds me of a story I saw on 60mins a year or two back about a guy who applied a "powder" made from pig bladder and other stuff to the end of his finger that was cut off in an accident and the finger tip grew back nail and all. He said the only difference was that the nail that grew back was "younger" so it grew at a faster rate and he had to clip it more often.
Anyone pick up shares from these guys? Its almost tripled since the post was made, with a big jump in the last 2 weeks...with no new news. rcar.

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