Possible theory on what they tried to do?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
When I saw the shooting, first thing I said is that they want a civil war.

There is so much information coming out fast, and the FBI keeps saying they know nothing about this person. Just as inept as the SS was, civilians are showing how inept the FBI is and information is coming out. They did a poor job covering this up, they fully planned he would die and at that point they are in power and the cover up is easy. They fully expected for people to be in the streets and serious rioting to take place across this country with deaths, that would have become the story.

At that time, they would have declared Marshall Law and the election would have been called off. The Dims would have remained in power, and the events after the assassination would have taken all the focus, and the cover up would have been really easy. And the media would have cooperated.
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Spot on. Since the majority of military and police (outside Feds) are Right, the only way the Left can activate them is if the Right is perceived as starting an illegitimate coup. Jan6 "coup" propaganda has failed to sway public opinion, so very well could be that the Trump assassination attempt was their next level attempt at provoking "insurrection" from the Right.

Issue for the Left is if they cannot invoke marshal law, the Right would absolutely destroy and Leftist kinetic insurrection.

This video walks through some good points and scenarios...


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