Ponca dan

Read an interesting article on Tulsi,would love to have your comments

In light of current events that piece (from January) is troubling. One thing I would caution: rather than listen to what other people tell you Tulsi Gabbard believes, you should try and find what she herself says. Oftentimes an interpretation is almost counter to what is actually intended.

Tulsi's entire political career has been centered on finding areas of agreement with political opponents, and seeking to find compromise/resolution that works to alleviate a problem. She has applied that philosophy to both domestic and international issues.

I am covered in work today, so I don't have time to look up videos of her actually speaking on this subject. I don't even know if they exist. Knowing the rest of her record I have a lot of trouble believing she wants India to attack Pakistan for any reason.
In light of current events that piece (from January) is troubling. One thing I would caution: rather than listen to what other people tell you Tulsi Gabbard believes, you should try and find what she herself says. Oftentimes an interpretation is almost counter to what is actually intended.

Tulsi's entire political career has been centered on finding areas of agreement with political opponents, and seeking to find compromise/resolution that works to alleviate a problem. She has applied that philosophy to both domestic and international issues.

I am covered in work today, so I don't have time to look up videos of her actually speaking on this subject. I don't even know if they exist. Knowing the rest of her record I have a lot of trouble believing she wants India to attack Pakistan for any reason.
What worries me that she is supported by RSS backed organizations.
I am least troubled by India attacking Pakistan because it would be the end for both the
countries and I won't be able to follow cowboys 2019 football and basketball teams because I will be dead.
RSS is the organization that took credit for killing Gandhi.They are hindu supremacist
organization which does not settle well with me since I don't believe in any group that
feels it is superior to any other group. Whether they are muslims hindus jews or christians black brown or white.
What worries me that she is supported by RSS backed organizations.
I am least troubled by India attacking Pakistan because it would be the end for both the
countries and I won't be able to follow cowboys 2019 football and basketball teams because I will be dead.
RSS is the organization that took credit for killing Gandhi.They are hindu supremacist
organization which does not settle well with me since I don't believe in any group that
feels it is superior to any other group. Whether they are muslims hindus jews or christians black brown or white.
Again, I encourage you to discover for yourself who she supports. Earlier this year she was supported by fringe/racist/KKK types. She didn't support them, they claimed to support her. There is a huge difference! The fact she met with a particular group should not be thought as proof she supports that group. She has made it plain she will meet with almost anyone to see if there is a chance to have a "meeting of the minds." I have watched countless videos in which she has been interviewed, and I have never heard her indicate support for RSS.
Look at the money trail where has she raised most of her money from outside Hawaii.
Look at the money trail where has she raised most of her money from outside Hawaii.
You can go to her website and ask her any questions you want. I have asked her if she has condemned India’s actions toward Kashmir, is it true most of her donations have come from groups supporting Modi, does she support Indian nationalism? I just this minute asked her (2:20 AM CST), and will tell you her reply when I get one. You should feel free to do the same.
Tulsi, lol. Just what in the hell separates her from the rest of the Dem Clowns other than the fact that a few here think she is hot, lol
Just what does she bring to the table that is so great?
Tulsi, lol. Just what in the hell separates her from the rest of the Dem Clowns other than the fact that a few here think she is hot, lol
Just what does she bring to the table that is so great?

I have a strong gut feeling she will rise to the top (#1) of the pack. But the DNC doesn't seem to want that to happen. So they'll cheat the primary votes, like they did to Bernie. If they don't rig the primary, watch out. Race on, and the president will have his work cut out for him.
I have a strong gut feeling she will rise to the top (#1) of the pack. But the DNC doesn't seem to want that to happen. So they'll cheat the primary votes, like they did to Bernie. If they don't rig the primary, watch out. Race on, and the president will have his work cut out for him.

I don’t know if she will rise to the top. It’s unlikely, and probably for the reason you stated.

When she very publicly resigned her position in the party apparatus and threw her support to Bernie she angered a lot of establishment Democrats who thought they were grooming her to be what they wanted her to be.

And now the centerpiece of her campaign is anti-regime-change war, which the establishment from both parties rely on for sustenance.

So her battle within the Democratic Party is uphill and is one person against the mob.

What I do believe is she is the only Democratic candidate that stands a chance of beating DJT, albeit the chance is minuscule. My thinking is the Democrats should nominate the best they’ve got, someone who is capable of being the leader we need in the off chance they beat Trump. Just giving us an establishment nominee who will do as he’s told is not only stupid but dangerous. Even if Tulsi can’t beat Trump she will force him to work harder to fulfill his promises to get us out of what he called our “stupid wars.” That by itself is why every Democrat should want her to get the nomination.
Does anyone else other than me read Ponca Dan in the Forest Gump voice for Lieutenant Dan?

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