Poll on Voter Knowledge


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

Stumbled on this site awhile back and find it very informative. Has a number of articles on various subjects and all appear to be very well researched. If you go to the homepage the article currently posted about The UN is really informative, but extremely long. Has a ton of interesting facts though.

Anyway, not surprised at all about the polling info on this link. It is interesting to see where D's & R's fall in their knowledge about specific subjects. There is a MMGW question which I think is BS and has the results I would expect though. Overall it really is a sad indictment on how ignorant a wide swath of America appears to be on general knowledge. Definitely bodes well for politicians who promise to give away the most free stuff, promulgate victimization and appeal to the lowest common denominator in their constituency.
I went into a woman's home last week (I've known her for almost 45 years). She immediately started in on how Trump was a white supremacist and racist yada yada yada. I asked her to justify her claim. All she could do was spew CNN talking points almost verbatim.

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