When the government is allowed to run healthcare it will also decide at some point end of life care, who should get it and who should not. What lives are worth the cost of saving and which ones are not, private sector is slowly moving in that direction. Literally we will be put to sleep like dogs. I personally think a government that allows legal abortions is not an entity I want in control of my end of life care, and I make my analogy in not trying to politicize abortion. I want myself, my family, my Doctor, and if needed my priest making my end of life care decisions. Not some OMB directive to cut costs on a social program that is becoming unsustainable. This will also end up happening for knee replacements and other care for those who at 70 need a knee replacement, etc....
I also believe eventually this will run off talented Doctors, etc....you would basically be working for the government and We already have a shortage in some areas of Doctors because it is not as desirable of a field today because of the liability and mountain of paperwork.
Tort reform needs to happen, unbelievable how much money tort reform could save, it is unreal. Some say it could pay for the entire cost of Obamacare but attorneys are good lobbyists. Set laws that requires all drugs in the US to be sold at the lowest cost it is sold outside of the US. Allow full competition across state lines, get rid of the VA and its waste and pay for the vets to get private sector HC. The list goes on and on.
Sorry, but I think it is crazy to count on your healthcare from the government, VA is a shit show. Government can not even deliver the mail without taking a subsidy.