There are certain posters, whose posts I read on this board, that either cause me to shake my head, or actually piss me off. Then, I go over to The Corrall, and read the same guy's posts, and think to myself, "this guy is hilarious", or "I love this guy's style".
Politics divide us.
I only bring it up, because if I have been surly to certain of you, I apologize and hope that you won't take it personally. I'm pretty sure that you are great guys, and politics is just getting in the way. (There are others, who don't post over there, who I have my mind made up about, right or wrong).
Politics divide us.
I only bring it up, because if I have been surly to certain of you, I apologize and hope that you won't take it personally. I'm pretty sure that you are great guys, and politics is just getting in the way. (There are others, who don't post over there, who I have my mind made up about, right or wrong).