Political Correctness: This story will make most of you mad.


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Stillwater, OK
An Army officer with 24 years of service was not allowed into his daughters high school because his uniform might offend a student. To the credit of the school superintendent he is taking action.

People need to get active and elect school boards with some common sense or the kids of the future are going to be totally screwed up.

This post was edited on 9/10 7:00 PM by Headhunter

Offensive Uniform
Yep, that's where we're headed. All these freedoms that so many enjoy courtesy of the people they spit on.
D.C. Public Schools homework assignment asks 6th graders to compare Bush to Hitleror this...which I posted before. Unbelievable that someone in uniform could be told that, so sad and reprehensible all in the same light. Wonder which students might be offended by this....hummmmm?

I have spent a lot of time lately reading about Vietnam and the inescapable conclusion is that politicians are spineless clowns....what other nation in the history of the world won nearly every battle it fought but "lost the war" in public and world perception? Yea this is another thread, but just so sad.

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