Political compass test - movement


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Apr 4, 2005
I like to take this test every so often to look at my movement. As many of you know I've admitted that I realized I was very much an idealogue at one point in my journey in political philosophy. So no one would be surprised to know that when I first took the test I was much lower and to the right, around the center of the purple in the lower third. I wish I would have saved them so I could see exactly how much my views have changed. But I'm slowly moving up and left.

While I do still very much agree with many aspects of libertarianism I would no longer consider myself as one.

Has anyone else seen any significant movement?

Link if you want to see.


Huh. With me voting for Trump I should have been more authoritarian, no?

As for movement, I've gone further to the left and more libertarian. Probably my answers on gay marriage of swung way to the left because I don't give a shit...
Since I don't know how to paste my results, from dead center I'm one box right and one and a half boxes up.
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You're so full of it.
Uh huh. According to who? You? Lol.

I'm actually quite far from a right leaner. I just happen to criticize 0bama and his shitty progressive policies and don't live in the progressive liberal echo chamber, so I probably appear extremely right wing to a bootlicker like you.

Want to talk views on abortion, religion, welfare, Wall Street, income equality, gay rights? We both know you lie about your gun ownership, so no need to discuss that one.

Although our core views are actually probably quite similar, there's one glaring difference between us. I don't suck off a political party like a meth head hooker.
Uh huh. According to who? You? Lol.

I'm actually quite far from a right leaner. I just happen to criticize 0bama and his shitty progressive policies and don't live in the progressive liberal echo chamber, so I probably appear extremely right wing to a bootlicker like you.

Want to talk views on abortion, religion, welfare, Wall Street, income equality, gay rights? We both know you lie about your gun ownership, so no need to discuss that one.

Although our core views are actually probably quite similar, there's one glaring difference between us. I don't suck off a political party like a meth head hooker.

Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: 3.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.41

I'm not a smart man, but I feel that this ties in with my fiscally conservative, socially moderate, government stay out of the house, the bedroom, and the wallet positions.

About what I expected. Was afraid I had moved slightly further right. Can't have that crap happening ;-)
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Interesting. I expected to be well within the purple zone.

I will say that I don't care for this profile test. Several of the questions are phrased in a way that can be difficult to take a definitive position, especially if some of your views are more nuanced.

Anyway, there it is.
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If I ever end up smack dab in the middle can I lay claim to

Interesting. I expected to be well within the purple zone.

I will say that I don't care for this profile test. Several of the questions are phrased in a way that can be difficult to take a definitive position, especially if some of your views are more nuanced.

Anyway, there it is.

I agree.
Answering the questions with only "strongly" responses moved the red dot 6 spots right of the center and 4 blocks north into the Authoritarian quadrant.

The biggest problem with all these types of surveys is that the true responses to many questions requires a "depends" answer. They want an absolute answer. The premise of some questions I could agree with in part but not in total depending on the circumstances.
Answering the questions with only "strongly" responses moved the red dot 6 spots right of the center and 4 blocks north into the Authoritarian quadrant.

The biggest problem with all these types of surveys is that the true responses to many questions requires a "depends" answer. They want an absolute answer. The premise of some questions I could agree with in part but not in total depending on the circumstances.
Refer to my latest result. You're a Hitlerian.
Economic left/right: 5.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.31

Moved a little to the left and a little down since last time.

I think I'm more liberal than syskatine....I've moved a little left and way down since the last time I took it
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I didn't pay attention to the coordinates, but it's roughly 5 down and two left by grid standards.

Gandhi territory. Wife was pretty much the same. I've pulled her right. She's pulled me left.

I'm happy about it. After reading this board post-Trump, I want no part of the GOP or anyone that uses the term "cuck." It's always been a circle jerk, but it's now depressing cheerleading with blatant disregard for humanity and the constitution.

Blast away. I don't really care. You're all a bunch of message board chumps that cheat your push-ups. ;)
Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -0.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.62

Moved down and left

I've trended right as my career has involved more finance.

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