Political Board Background


2nd Team
Feb 4, 2003
Sorry if this has already been done but I'm dying to know the background of this board as I've been following for a long while and it would add some context to the threads. What is your age, race and political affiliation?

Me......Caucasian male....47....registered independent.
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47 year old cisgendered straight white republican male. Still married to the same woman I lost my virginity to with 2 children. 22 year old boy, OSU graduate with a BS in microbiology. 20 year old daughter, attending UCO for funeral services.

Wife is a public school teacher and I’m an industrial control system Cybersecurity analyst for a large oil energy company. My job is to keep the Chinese out of our refineries and pipelines. I also help the various three letter agencies with their cyber-readiness programs and the various regulatory bodies in crafting meaningful and appropriate cyber-regulations.

Am also on my company’s PRIDE employee resource group for LGBTQA+ diversity and inclusion activities. Past vice mayor and city councilman, prescient chairman, GOP convention delegate. Mainly working on getting equal protection legislation for sexual orientation and gender expression.
68 y/o conservatarian. Never have registered with any party and won't.
Danish Cherokee (registered) Native Texan- find a minority smaller than that.
Microbiologist by education but haven't worked in that field for a long time.
Hi, my name is anon. I’m a 67 year old extremely white Virgo. I’m a flaming liberal who enjoys walks on the beach with my gal pal boof. When I’m not chasing ambulances you’ll find me here blessing all of you with my brilliance and tds. Oh, and I prefer jelly. Welch’s preferably.
68, but low mileage. One owner.
64% Irish, balance Scandinavian, British, French.
Used to be Dim, then flipped when they started hating on guns, mid 70s.

Don't let fitty fool you. He's a member of the Whig party. I've met him. He needs to come clean...

Age: 72
Species: Human (some people on this board would argue about that).
Politics: AnarchoCapitalist libertarian (lower case “l”) (Translation: I hate them all.)
41 white male republican, although not so much the Oklahoma variety. I’m fairly non religious, all for gay rights, legalize it, etc. I suppose I’m a bit more libertarian than republican.
Don’t really post much/any here anymore, but since you said you are a longtime follower, figured I’d chime in to give context to my past posts.

White male, cisgendered, heterosexual, registered independent (switched back from registering as a member of the Libertarian partyfor a couple of years) but would register as a Modern Whig if they were a recognized party here.

Big believer in personal freedom, but spent twenty years as Chief Legal Advisor for the OSBI and am now am an Assistant District Attorney in Garfield county.

Pretty burnt out on political discussions at this point.
40ish, white, independent. Fiscally conservative, social libertarian (not socially liberal).
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Hey gize. Trust fund benny here. I'll ask my Trustee for my birth certificate so I can get the age right.

I enjoy consuming, sitting on dad's sofa and never taking a risk. I like vanilla ice cream, saltine crackers, and peanut butter jelly crustless sandwiches cut into 4 triangles with exactly 5 chilled, red seedless grapes. I'm passionate about prompt delivery of quarterly Trustee's reports, bedsore prevention, and MAGA.
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Hi, my name is anon. I’m a 67 year old extremely white Virgo. I’m a flaming liberal who enjoys walks on the beach with my gal pal boof. When I’m not chasing ambulances you’ll find me here blessing all of you with my brilliance and tds. Oh, and I prefer jelly. Welch’s preferably.

Hey gize. Trust fund benny here. I'll ask my Trustee for my birth certificate so I can get the age right.

I enjoy consuming, sitting on dad's sofa and never taking a risk. I like vanilla ice cream, saltine crackers, and peanut butter jelly crustless sandwiches cut into 4 triangles with exactly 5 chilled, red seedless grapes. I'm passionate about prompt delivery of quarterly Trustee's reports, bedsore prevention, and MAGA.
Welch’s and bedsores. Where else on the internet can you go for this kind of entertainment?
57, white, Irish Scottish English heritage, registered Republican, was a registered Democrat when I was younger. Graduate degree from OSU. I have no problem voting who I think is the best candidate. In hindsight so glad I did not sit out the last election and voted for Trump, I never could have voted for Hillary, ever. Stopped watching MSM probably about 15 years or so ago because I thought it was all horrible propaganda. Started watching MSM again to watch the final Presidential debates before the last election and was just blown away how much worse MSM had become. I personally believe MSM is the greatest threat to this country today, the one entity that was suppose to keep the politicians honest and provide accurate reporting, has now jumped in bed with the politicians and does zero reporting and provides editorial only content sold as news that is intended to shape the perceptions of reality to the viewers. We are no better than Russia in terms of the propaganda our populace is fed.

I am starting to believe the only way we can resolve our differences is for a movement towards more state rights and allowing the states to govern how the people in each state want themselves to be governed. At least this way, if you do not like the laws in a state, you have a good chance of moving somewhere that has the type of laws you prefer. Right now, people in California think they know what is best for the fly over states and the south. I would have a lot less concern about how California governs if they had a lot less concern about how Oklahoma governs.

Hobbies: Cooking out on week-ends and enjoying the pool with the grand kids, working on and showing my Corvette at car shows, planning and going on vacations with the wife, spending some time on this board, and working on and fixing up the house, I like to work with my hands a little since I work so much in an office.
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English royalty( has me at 95% British, almost a pure breed. Suck it you mutts)
Life long Republican but left the party 2 years ago. Now Registered non affiliated, oddly in Florida independent is a political party.
Kept man.
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Hey gize. Trust fund benny here. I'll ask my Trustee for my birth certificate so I can get the age right.

I enjoy consuming, sitting on dad's sofa and never taking a risk. I like vanilla ice cream, saltine crackers, and peanut butter jelly crustless sandwiches cut into 4 triangles with exactly 5 chilled, red seedless grapes. I'm passionate about prompt delivery of quarterly Trustee's reports, bedsore prevention, and MAGA.

55 -- Scottish, English, Cherokee, Apache -- Conservative would register Independent, but you have to declare one party or the other in my state when you vote, so I grudgingly check the Republican box.

I was a member of the Moral Majority in the 80s but now believe that movement was an exercise in futility and runs counter to the purpose of Christianity.

I am not a fan of Trump's style and I don't support everything that he does, but I voted for him because of what he could do in court appointments (he has delivered on that front). Since then, I've been pleasantly surprised that he has done more for religious liberty than any President in my lifetime.
54, White, (English, Irish, Scottish and Norwegian aka "Mutt") . Conservative but far right.

Edit: Not far right, probably 8/10.
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62-11/12 wasp from Tul
1st potus vote was for Carter (what a waste)
Marriage and move to iowa made me a lifelong (R) voter since, but I see the trends and inaction by both teams. The 18 midterms were far less damaging to DJT than what happened to Clinton, W or Obama & were no 'blue sunami'
I'll fight to keep out the commies

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