
In your expert opinion could you express your thoughts on this short article? I’m curious if it’s blatant misinformation? I figured you would know. Please enlighten the rest of us!
There have been 7 ice ages, there will be more, Global warming does not mean its always hot all the time, it means record breaking weather systems and catastrophes and temperatures that wildy deviate from. Extreme heat to extreme cold. Ignore the world around all you want. Now did you have a question about the article?
There have been 7 ice ages, there will be more, Global warming does not mean its always hot all the time, it means record breaking weather systems and catastrophes and temperatures that wildy deviate from. Extreme heat to extreme cold. Ignore the world around all you want. Now did you have a question about the article?
So you're saying the climate has always had natural variations? Weird.
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There have been 7 ice ages, there will be more, Global warming does not mean its always hot all the time, it means record breaking weather systems and catastrophes and temperatures that wildy deviate from. Extreme heat to extreme cold. Ignore the world around all you want. Now did you have a question about the article?
Pointing to extreme weather as proof of man made global warming or man made climate change is totally ridiculous.

Every century has had extreme catastrophic weather. Every decade has wild weather swings.

Global warming is nothing but a redistribution scam.
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There have been 7 ice ages, there will be more, Global warming does not mean its always hot all the time, it means record breaking weather systems and catastrophes and temperatures that wildy deviate from. Extreme heat to extreme cold. Ignore the world around all you want. Now did you have a question about the article?
Yes, my question is this: in your expert opinion do you think the author is spreading blatant misinformation?