More blatant misinformation? We need to know your expert opinion!
Ah, I'm just funnin' with ya'. Poking the Pokeabear, as it were. Don't take it too badly. You presented yourself as highly knowledgeable about polar bears, I suppose that's why you came up with your handle? Maybe you are an environmental scientist, who knows. But I suspect you are just as much the amateur as the rest of us. Your knee-jerk cliché-driven responses to most threads are often highly entertaining. One can usually predict what you are going to say before you say it. Someone earlier said you have become the new "toon" on this board. You do seem more intelligent than toon, but lately you have begun to resort to insults of your opponents, which is bringing you very close to the "toon category." Lighten up! This is just a board where people express their opinions. Most of us would welcome an intelligently thought out reply from you. Instead you resort to witticism in a failed attempt to appear clever. That's not a good look for you. I for one want to believe you have better things to say, something that leads one to consider your opinion as legitimate. Anyway, I'll quit needling you. It was fun while it lasted!24/7. @CowboyJD and you thought HairBear missed you, Dan can’t sleep without dreaming of little ol me.
Ah, I'm just funnin' with ya'. Poking the Pokeabear, as it were. Don't take it too badly. You presented yourself as highly knowledgeable about polar bears, I suppose that's why you came up with your handle? Maybe you are an environmental scientist, who knows. But I suspect you are just as much the amateur as the rest of us. Your knee-jerk cliché-driven responses to most threads are often highly entertaining. One can usually predict what you are going to say before you say it. Someone earlier said you have become the new "toon" on this board. You do seem more intelligent than toon, but lately you have begun to resort to insults of your opponents, which is bringing you very close to the "toon category." Lighten up! This is just a board where people express their opinions. Most of us would welcome an intelligently thought out reply from you. Instead you resort to witticism in a failed attempt to appear clever. That's not a good look for you. I for one want to believe you have better things to say, something that leads one to consider your opinion as legitimate. Anyway, I'll quit needling you. It was fun while it lasted!
I love you, too!Dan, I only personly insult you, but of course you haven’t picked up on that. The reason I do, is I believe you are smart enough to know better, that’s why I think you’re a bad person. You can critically think but you don’t. You can wax poetic instead you pound out divisive drivel. Your ability to convince yourself of your own civility is unrivaled. Your passive aggressive nature puts my own to shame. All that’s to say I’m joking big guy, lighten up a little jaheezus.