Pocahontas gonna Pocahontas

I grew up with a father looking different than the rest of us. I suspected something fishy. In 2008, Genelex Labs in Seattle answered all my questions and then some. Genelex is the Oprah Winfrey lab used by a number of celebs at the time.

I wonder if Pocahontas is a bald faced liar or simply didn't bother to find out the readily available documented truth. I paid $600. Today DNA analysis is $108.95 at 23andme. Surely Pocahontas can afford it.
I grew up with a father looking different than the rest of us. I suspected something fishy. In 2008, Genelex Labs in Seattle answered all my questions and then some. Genelex is the Oprah Winfrey lab used by a number of celebs at the time.

I wonder if Pocahontas is a bald faced liar or simply didn't bother to find out the readily available documented truth. I paid $600. Today DNA analysis is $108.95 at 23andme. Surely Pocahontas can afford it.

i know this fauxcahauntaus type well
we all do i’m sure

i’m going with cat turd she shoveled sand on
until it became truth

until it became a lie
You guys still don’t get that comfortably smug is laughing at you not with you. Sheesh.


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