Pittsburgh boilermakers union endorses President Trump


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008
By J. Marsolo

Shawn Steffee, the business agent of Boilermakers Local Union 154, located in Pittsburgh, Pa., announced that Local 154 endorsed President Trump for re-election. Local 154 has about 1,500 members who work in the power plants and other similar plants. He said:
Joe Biden's ban on fracking would put me and everyone I know out of work. Crap trade deals. And now this. Gimme a break, we're not asking for much. But Joe Biden is a disaster.
Mr. Steffee spoke at the Pennsylvania CPAC event on September 19, 2020 in Washington, Pa.
He said the journeyman welders in his union are averaging over $100,000 per year. Business is booming thanks to President Trump, and his members are all working. They support President Trump because he supports the job-creating industries in coal, oil, and natural gas. These are the industries that the Democrats want to abolish in favor of wind and solar.
What struck me as unbelievable was Mr. Steffee's statement that the natural gas from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia is not shipped to Massachusetts and other New England states because those states refused to build pipelines because of "environmental" reasons, which means Democrats adopting the leftist agenda to oppose coal, oil, and natural gas.
So, what did Massachusetts do? It imported natural gas from Russia. The state of Senator Warren AKA Pocahontas; the Kennedys; Ed Markey; etc. imported gas from Russia instead of buying American gas from Pennsylvania. Even worse, the Massachusetts Democratic attorney general said that buying Russian gas is better for the environment: "Continuing to rely on pipelines is too risky for ratepayers and our climate."
The Massachusetts Democrats all charged that President Trump colluded with Russia, but they support the Russian economy by buying Russia's gas.
Massachusetts, like California, is the poster child of the modern Democratic Party. It has abandoned private industry workers, such as the boilermakers, in favor of the "environmentalists" who will sacrifice the workers for their vision of a world run by wind and solar.
Massachusetts, ruled by the Democrats, bought natural gas from Russia instead of Pennsylvania.
"Crap trade deals ... Joe Biden is a disaster." This boils down the reasons to vote for President Trump.
Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

Shawn Steffee, the business agent of Boilermakers Local Union 154, located in Pittsburgh, Pa., announced that Local 154 endorsed President Trump for re-election. Local 154 has about 1,500 members who work in the power plants and other similar plants. He said:
Joe Biden's ban on fracking would put me and everyone I know out of work. Crap trade deals. And now this. Gimme a break, we're not asking for much. But Joe Biden is a disaster.
Mr. Steffee spoke at the Pennsylvania CPAC event on September 19, 2020 in Washington, Pa.
He said the journeyman welders in his union are averaging over $100,000 per year. Business is booming thanks to President Trump, and his members are all working. They support President Trump because he supports the job-creating industries in coal, oil, and natural gas. These are the industries that the Democrats want to abolish in favor of wind and solar.
What struck me as unbelievable was Mr. Steffee's statement that the natural gas from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia is not shipped to Massachusetts and other New England states because those states refused to build pipelines because of "environmental" reasons, which means Democrats adopting the leftist agenda to oppose coal, oil, and natural gas.

So, what did Massachusetts do? It imported natural gas from Russia. The state of Senator Warren AKA Pocahontas; the Kennedys; Ed Markey; etc. imported gas from Russia instead of buying American gas from Pennsylvania. Even worse, the Massachusetts Democratic attorney general said that buying Russian gas is better for the environment: "Continuing to rely on pipelines is too risky for ratepayers and our climate."
The Massachusetts Democrats all charged that President Trump colluded with Russia, but they support the Russian economy by buying Russia's gas.
Massachusetts, like California, is the poster child of the modern Democratic Party. It has abandoned private industry workers, such as the boilermakers, in favor of the "environmentalists" who will sacrifice the workers for their vision of a world run by wind and solar.
Massachusetts, ruled by the Democrats, bought natural gas from Russia instead of Pennsylvania.
"Crap trade deals ... Joe Biden is a disaster." This boils down the reasons to vote for President Trump.

Always nice to see these articles especially involving unions.

Can't believe that MA would import NG from Russia instead of buying from PA or the likes.
emblematic of why America will see a landslide for trump

joe doesn’t have the rust belt
union vote

what is the dem base exactly?

green tards

I mean.... keep going. I love these takes that invariably are precisely 180 degrees wrong.

LOL how? How can you have such MAGA shitty takes over and over?
emblematic of why America will see a landslide for trump

joe doesn’t have the rust belt
union vote

what is the dem base exactly?

green tards

Any word yet on how you could miss this so bad? Landslide?? What happened???
You conveniently forgot to comment on the deceased, illegal immigrant and ballot harvesting votes!🤣

No, I keep waiting for some EVIDENCE and not another whining conspiracy theory to avoid reality.

Once he loses these court cases and Biden takes over, what's the next excuse? Millions of ballots... lost in the mail?
emblematic of why America will see a landslide for trump

joe doesn’t have the rust belt
union vote

what is the dem base exactly?

green tards

Hey my man, if you get a minute could you let us know how this turned out?