Pennsylvania Court Rules Mail-in Voting Unconstitutional, a Win for Election Integrity


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
I think we’re starting to see a trend here.

Three judges on a five-court panel struck down Pennsylvania’s 2019 expanded mail-in voting law that reportedly permitted 2.5 million people, the majority of them Democrats, to cast votes in 2020.

Basing their decisions on election laws passed in 1839 and 1923, the court ruled the legislature’s law unconstitutional. Pennsylvania’s constitution would have to be changed to allow mail-in voting, the court held.

That says there are is a 5-2 mentally ill majority in the state Supreme Court so they will be throwing ballots out of helicopters from now on after the appeal.

Yea the Democrats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will more than likely rule for the Democrat voting scheme Republicans will push it up to the SCOTUS and will be able to get an honest ruling.
Yea the Democrats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will more than likely rule for the Democrat voting scheme Republicans will push it up to the SCOTUS and will be able to get an honest ruling.
Does my 2020 ballot carry less credibility in your eyes because it was mailed in?
Depends, did a Democrat vote harvester come by your house, help you fill it out correctly, wink, wink and then took it to a drop box?
Gawd I wish! Woulda saved me the trouble of driving to the bank, getting it notarized, driving to the post office and paying for certified mail postage rates.

Do you have evidence of such widespread illegal activity?
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Gawd I wish! Woulda saved me the trouble of driving to the bank, getting it notarized, driving to the post office and paying for certified mail postage rates.

Do you have evidence of such widespread illegal activity?

Do you live under a rock? Oh, that's right you get all your information from leftist sources, of course you don't know.
Look no further than the state of Texas and a lady named Rachel Rodriquez. Or you could look at Ilham Omar's district in Minnesota. Videos of both are out there if you care to educate yourself on the subject. All it takes is a simple Google search.
Do you live under a rock? Oh, that's right you get all your information from leftist sources, of course you don't know.
Look no further than the state of Texas and a lady named Rachel Rodriquez. Or you could look at Ilham Omar's district in Minnesota. Videos of both are out there if you care to educate yourself on the subject. All it takes is a simple Google search.

Do you live under a rock? Oh, that's right you get all your information from leftist sources, of course you don't know.
Look no further than the state of Texas and a lady named Rachel Rodriquez. Or you could look at Ilham Omar's district in Minnesota. Videos of both are out there if you care to educate yourself on the subject. All it takes is a simple Google search.
I mean, I’m sorry “LeFtiSt” USA Today might not measure up to Project Veritas… your eyes…
If you notice how your article is worded, they say there was no proof the vote harvesting was connected to Omar, not that vote harvesting was not taking place.
From your article:
A spokesperson for the Minneapolis Police Department told the Minneapolis StarTribune that the department was “in the process of looking into the validity” of the claims on Sept. 29. The department has not announced any developments since.

I also noticed you completely ignore the Texas case. She is currently being prosecuted in Texas.
If you notice how your article is worded, they say there was no proof the vote harvesting was connected to Omar, not that vote harvesting was not taking place.
From your article:
A spokesperson for the Minneapolis Police Department told the Minneapolis StarTribune that the department was “in the process of looking into the validity” of the claims on Sept. 29. The department has not announced any developments since.

I also noticed you completely ignore the Texas case. She is currently being prosecuted in Texas.
Your interpretation of widespread is interesting to say the least lol…Rodriguez acknowledged helping a dozen people haha. Was that gonna swing Texas for Biden???

Does she need to be punished? Yes. She could go to prison for up to 20 years. Does Texas need to waste that much taxpayer money incarcerating her for that long? I don’t see it, but maybe you do🤷‍♂️
Yea the Democrats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will more than likely rule for the Democrat voting scheme Republicans will push it up to the SCOTUS and will be able to get an honest ruling.
Will Roberts be interested? The Supreme Court should have already addressed the shenanigans in PA. Our Constitution says state legislatures make and adjust state election laws. Not governors, AGs or secretaries-of-state. COVID does not give law making rights to non law makers.

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