Pence to Holder...


May 29, 2001

America has allowed a man with zero talent outside kissing partisan ass to become a millionaire. Find me another country that would make Holder what he is today and I'll show you another country with a corrupt administration in charge. Venezuela is his speed. Stupid but loyal.

Our democratic republic elected
a man based on skin color as the only qualification and he failed as did all of his subordinates, and here we are. America voted for a change and a rejection of leftist ideology. Suck that, Eric Holder.

Keep those memes coming, Mr. Vice President. I'll say this for Goody Pence: he knows his sheep. Do nothing but meme. That's perfect.

Find me another country that would make Holder what he is today and I'll show you another country with a corrupt administration in charge. Venezuela is his speed. Stupid but loyal.

Our democratic republic elected
a man based on skin color as the only qualification and he failed as did all of his subordinates, and here we are. America voted for a change and a rejection of leftist ideology. Suck that, Eric Holder.

Yeah, suck on that, prostatosaurus rex semenpenis King! He failed at everything and he was black and leftist just like you! Sit on that and spin, Eric Holder. You should inherit that money honestly and construct a political philosophy around protecting it, not make it your own self and plus you're stupid, move to Nairobi!

That gender insult riff thing doesn't really work, does it? Show me how to rip him by making up insults based on his gender. Just give me a couple good lines. I thought the rage was good though. The "back to nairobi" could really resonate -- kind of like the Kenya deal. That's a keeper, right? And the way I spinned that whole "self made" deal back in his face... you gotta admit that was solid.
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So many of our WWII veterans are gone now. Guys like my father, a Thunderbolt pilot who flew over Normandy and escorted B17's. Dad was a die-hard Democrat to his dying day in 2007. But had he and many others still be alive to witness Eric Holder's comment (and what the Dems have become), I believe many would have quit voting Dem. If you want to know what a REAL 'deplorable' looks like, look to Eric Holder.
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That is some well-crafted spin. Reminds me of a girlfriend I once had. When I told her "you look really beautiful today", her reply was "I didn't look beautiful yesterday?"

Spin? What am I spinning? The whole MAGA slogan hinges on that America used to be great then at some point ceased to be. The historical Images that the VP tweeted seemed to reinforce that.

If I was on Pence’s social media team I would have had an image of Reagan in West Berlin, some post 9/11 patriotism, something like that. Little more modern.
So many of our WWII veterans are gone now. Guys like my father, a Thunderbolt pilot who flew over Normandy and escorted B17's. Dad was a die-hard Democrat to his dying day in 2007. But had he and many others still be alive to witness Eric Holder's comment (and what the Dems have become), I believe many would have quit voting Dem. If you want to know what a REAL 'deplorable' looks like, look to Eric Holder.
Andrew Cuomo has the same belief Holder spewed. Since Cuomo said it first it's probably white privilege.
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Spin? What am I spinning? The whole MAGA slogan hinges on that America used to be great then at some point ceased to be. The historical Images that the VP tweeted seemed to reinforce that.

If I was on Pence’s social media team I would have had an image of Reagan in West Berlin, some post 9/11 patriotism, something like that. Little more modern.

america was great electing otard
then the day he took office started down the slippery slope

so yea at that point america ceased being great

if you wanna have this discussion

i’m all yours
america was great electing otard
then the day he took office started down the slippery slope

so yea at that point america ceased being great

if you wanna have this discussion

i’m all yours

I don't think who the president is dictates if our country is great or not, the citizens do.

All of the guys in the Pence tweet were citizens in their respective photo/painting, even if one later did become president. American citizens landed on the moon, Americans citizens planted the flag at Iwo Jima, not the politicians.
Spin? What am I spinning? The whole MAGA slogan hinges on that America used to be great then at some point ceased to be. The historical Images that the VP tweeted seemed to reinforce that.

If I was on Pence’s social media team I would have had an image of Reagan in West Berlin, some post 9/11 patriotism, something like that. Little more modern.

Well first off, my apologies. I'm a newbie here and honestly thought you were making a tongue-in-cheek twisting of words, spinning things like the talking heads do. But now I see you are serious. I stand corrected and apologize.

Here is something Obama said in June 2016 at a town hall. No need to post a link. It's all over the web.

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for [Trump], that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s no answer to it. He just says, ‘I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer,”

So here you have Obama, basically saying that the jobs are not coming back. America has seen it's better days. Trump entered the race a year earlier, not buying into the usual doom and gloom droning of the liberals and says, were going to "Make America Great Again".

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