Yeah Nancy! Please keep preaching your CA values for all the Democrats across the country to follow. The Republicans have the House, the Senate and the White House. And Nancy has the House leadership. Perfect.
Yeah Nancy! Please keep preaching your CA values for all the Democrats across the country to follow. The Republicans have the House, the Senate and the White House. And Nancy has the House leadership. Perfect.
Uber rich, CA values (her district), with a 77 year-old twat/brain that no amount of Vaseline can lube; who could write a better script for a total cluster-fook? Nancy, you keep that spring in your step because America loves you, and the stupid f'ks that kept you.
Her only real attribute is she can raise lots of money from uber rich west coast nuts.
That's why they keep her. They're to stupid to realize it hurts the party every where except in super liberal coastal cities. How'd all that cash work out Hillary?