Radical jimmies rustled ...
Yep. AOC says otherwise and she holds the reins.To bad she’s not in charge.
Its funny but even from a Dem's side, Pelosi is right. If you truly wanted to impeach Trump, you want to wait a year before starting the precedings. That way its in the news every day of the election cycle. Starting impeachment now would have it over with before the Dem primaries are even started and would eliminate it as an election/fundraising issue.
Hopefully the IG’s report and the AG investigation in to the dossier, FBI, etc....starts to shed some light on what really happened and undermines the whole impeachment mantra. Dims want constant investigations, well they are going to get it.
Perhaps we get criminal charges against key players, it will make their obstruction talk look like child’s play.
Notice how there has been NO leaks about what the IG has in terms of recommending 8 indictments? Dims knew they needed to leak to the media to try to pin the Prez with false allegations. The fact no leaks have been coming out tells me they have real potential crimes that need to be looked in to, playing your hand to the media is not only illegal and unethical, but it would allow those who may have committed crimes to start building a defense.
The Dims could really get caught blind sided come May when the IG report comes out, the tables are turning and it just happens that to be following the law in terms of confidentiality in regards to an ongoing investigation, you get revenge and justice which is best served cold.
If the Dims started impeachment today, and if the IG’s report spells big trouble for the basis for the investigation, the Dims would have massively over played their hand twice and create far more sympathy for the Prez. The Dims might be wanting to see what the IG and AG has before acting, although I do not believe they are that smart.
If the IG and AG can prove criminal acts in starting the investigation on Trump, will they then yell as loud for justice and protecting against Russian collusion? The ease at which Dim hypocrisy gets exposed daily is simply beyond belief, and the fact their blind followers still follow amazes. That said, the election might be in the hands of 10 million voters or less who are open minded to voting either way, the Dims are losing the battle with fringe voters, which is exemplified with allowing felons to vote in prison. Criminal charges for the initiation of the Trump investigation could be the final nail in the Dim coffin. With Trump cleared of collusion and the economic success he still probably gets re-elected, convictions on the initiation of the investigation on Trump will kill the Dim party as we know it today, they still may stay in denial, but it will be totally DOA. You think they need illegals and prisoners for votes now? It can get even worse.
No leaks could also mean no findings. Let's not pretend that both parties haven't used leaks historically to drive a chosen narrative, so I'd be skeptical of a narrative that has the Republicans suddenly being silent.
Yep. AOC says otherwise and she holds the reins.
If and when the battle comes to pass it will be worthy of popcorn and CSPAN.This could make for fun viewing
Ivanka merely casually mentioning the thought of doing that would be deemed obstruction of justice.At this time, The U. S. still has a 2 tier justice system. Let Ivanka try destroying 33,000 emails under subpoena and scrubbing a private sever.
I hope they move to impeach. The country won't be laughing with these losers. They will be laughing at them. MAGA!
The Dems have the House. They could impeach any time they like. They have the votes - in theory.
it's just a bunch of politics...they all know the senate wouldn't/couldn't do it since it requires 2/3. The charges would have to get a lot worse for anything to happen. It's just a bunch of mullerisms.The Dems have the House. They could impeach any time they like. They have the votes - in theory.
it's just a bunch of politics...they all know the senate wouldn't/couldn't do it since it requires 2/3. The charges would have to get a lot worse for anything to happen. It's just a bunch of mullerisms.