Part one of the Clinton Foundation.

210 page complaint suing.... Soros? Who's behind this, Alex Jones? WHich of your booger eatin' liars turned you on to this one?

Did you see how the Trump Foundation was sued for being fraudulent? How come no threads devoted to that, lemming?

Here's what I know, you know very little about actual news.

You just like to be abused.

By men.
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Here's what I know, you know very little about actual news.

You just like to be abused.

By men.

The "actual news" of the Trump foundation lawsuit is a copy of the Complaint. What are your thoughts on it, being such an objective consumer of current events?
How many gimp masks do you own?

This is just a civil suit, the big one is coming.

Sorry, that probably set you all a twitter.
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How many gimp masks do you own?

This is just a civil suit, the big one is coming.

Sorry, that probably set you all a twitter.

Will age well. You really are straight GI-GO. I love watching your narratives blow up in your face.

When may we expect Hillary to be charged? Any updates on that? Meanwhile, any thoughts on Biff's campaign manager who's sitting in jail right now?
Mueller investigation: guilty pleas, defendant cooperation with information gathering, jail

Clinton investigation: what-ifs, conservative wet dream scenarios, empty hope

Lol...what a board
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This is a nice little romance you have cooking.

What have I been wrong about, sugar tits?

What have you been right about?

Sick burn when is HIllary going to jail again? I need to know so I can plan my celebration

Count all the indictments and guilty pleas from Biff's admin less than 18 months in, and he totally ignores it all. He's obsessed with finding something against Obama or hillary from the previous admin. Alf has become the Supreme Dumbass Uber Alles. Hell I busted him circulating Russian progoganda -- FROM MOSCOW (literally from Moscow) and he keeps digging into Obama. It really is like a monty python skit.
Count all the indictments and guilty pleas from Biff's admin less than 18 months in, and he totally ignores it all. He's obsessed with finding something against Obama or hillary from the previous admin. Alf has become the Supreme Dumbass Uber Alles. Hell I busted him circulating Russian progoganda -- FROM MOSCOW (literally from Moscow) and he keeps digging into Obama. It really is like a monty python skit.

Name one thing I've been wrong about.
Count all the indictments and guilty pleas from Biff's admin less than 18 months in, and he totally ignores it all.
All for collusion, right? Massive collusion. Yuge collusion. But hey, why did the Obama admin folks tell the cyber security type folks to back off the muh Russia cyber attacks in 2016? It's because they already had Trump for collusion, right? Got eeem?

Hell I busted him circulating Russian progoganda -- FROM MOSCOW (literally from Moscow)
Gasp! Is he... is he... is Alpha Poke really Nancy Paulston? THE Nancy Paulston?
Nothing about our lives would argue with that.

You could have all the money in the world, and I’d still call you out on your bullshit lol.
All for collusion, right? Massive collusion. Yuge collusion. But hey, why did the Obama admin folks tell the cyber security type folks to back off the muh Russia cyber attacks in 2016? It's because they already had Trump for collusion, right? Got eeem?

Gasp! Is he... is he... is Alpha Poke really Nancy Paulston? THE Nancy Paulston?


“Daniel added that “it’s not accurate to say that all activity ceased at that point.” He and his staff “shifted our focus” to assisting state governments to protect against Russian cyberattacks against state and local election systems.

But as for his work on developing cyber deterrence measures, “those actions were put on a back burner and that was not the focus of our activity during that time period.”

Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election.

Obama officials were also worried that a vigorous cyber response along the lines Daniel had proposed could escalate into a full scale cyber war. And, they have since argued, they believed that the president’s warning had some impact, noting — as Daniel did in his testimony — that they saw some tamping down in Russian probing of state election data systems after Obama’s private talk with Putin.

But Nuland testified that while the Russians were “a little less active” in September after the Obama warning, Russian activity picked up again in October when the Russians accelerated their social media campaign using phony Facebook ads and Twitter bots.

“We saw an increase in what they were doing in social media,” Daniel agreed. “They shifted their focus.”
You could have all the money in the world, and I’d still call you out on your bullshit lol.


“Daniel added that “it’s not accurate to say that all activity ceased at that point.” He and his staff “shifted our focus” to assisting state governments to protect against Russian cyberattacks against state and local election systems.

But as for his work on developing cyber deterrence measures, “those actions were put on a back burner and that was not the focus of our activity during that time period.”

Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election.

Obama officials were also worried that a vigorous cyber response along the lines Daniel had proposed could escalate into a full scale cyber war. And, they have since argued, they believed that the president’s warning had some impact, noting — as Daniel did in his testimony — that they saw some tamping down in Russian probing of state election data systems after Obama’s private talk with Putin.

But Nuland testified that while the Russians were “a little less active” in September after the Obama warning, Russian activity picked up again in October when the Russians accelerated their social media campaign using phony Facebook ads and Twitter bots.

“We saw an increase in what they were doing in social media,” Daniel agreed. “They shifted their focus.”

Its hard to be too stern when you've promised the Russian's flexibility just a few years prior.
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“Daniel added that “it’s not accurate to say that all activity ceased at that point.” He and his staff “shifted our focus” to assisting state governments to protect against Russian cyberattacks against state and local election systems.

But as for his work on developing cyber deterrence measures, “those actions were put on a back burner and that was not the focus of our activity during that time period.”

Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election.

Obama officials were also worried that a vigorous cyber response along the lines Daniel had proposed could escalate into a full scale cyber war. And, they have since argued, they believed that the president’s warning had some impact, noting — as Daniel did in his testimony — that they saw some tamping down in Russian probing of state election data systems after Obama’s private talk with Putin.

But Nuland testified that while the Russians were “a little less active” in September after the Obama warning, Russian activity picked up again in October when the Russians accelerated their social media campaign using phony Facebook ads and Twitter bots.

“We saw an increase in what they were doing in social media,” Daniel agreed. “They shifted their focus.”
"The view that the Obama administration failed to adequately piece together intelligence about the Russian campaign and develop a forceful response has clearly gained traction with the intelligence committee. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking Democrat on the panel, said in an opening statement that “we were caught flat-footed at the outset and our collective response was inadequate to meet Russia’s escalation.”

That conclusion was reinforced Wednesday by another witness, Victoria Nuland, who served as assistant secretary of state for Europe during the Obama administration. She told the panel that she had been briefed as early as December 2015 about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee — long before senior DNC officials were aware of it — and that the intrusion had all the hallmarks of a Russian operation.

As she and other State Department officials became “more alarmed” about what the Russians were up to in the spring of 2016, they were authorized by then Secretary of State John Kerry to develop proposals for ways to deter the Russians. But most of those steps were never taken — in part because officials assumed they would be taken up by the next administration.

“I believe there were deterrence measures we could have taken and should have taken,” Nuland testified."

"Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, asked about a “Russian Roulette” passage in which one of Daniel’s staff members, Daniel Prieto, recounted a staff meeting shortly after the cyber coordinator was ordered by Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser, to stop his efforts and “stand down.” This order was in part because Rice feared the options would leak and “box the president in.”

“I was incredulous and in disbelief,” Prieto is quoted as saying in the book. “It took me a moment to process. In my head, I was like, did I hear that correctly?” Prieto told the authors he then spoke up, asking Daniel: “Why the hell are we standing down? Michael, can you help us understand?”

"Nuland also revealed, in response to questions by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, another previously unpublicized dimension to the Russian attack. That summer, Collins said, FBI officials advised the committee that Russian diplomats were traveling around the country in areas they were not — under diplomatic protocols — permitted to visit , apparently to collect intelligence. Asked by Collins if she believed this was part of the Russian so-called active measures attack on the election, Nuland responded, “I do.”
Can I take from all this that we finally have consensus that Russia interfered in the last election? Or is that still up for some debate?
Can I take from all this that we finally have consensus that Russia interfered in the last election? Or is that still up for some debate?

Do I believe Russia promoted certain narratives around the US election: Yes. Do I believe they colluded with Trump to drive his election: No. Do I believe Russia did anything more than what the US has done for other foreign elections (such as Israel's past election): No. Finally, do I believe that Russia's "meddling" had any material impact to the election result: No. I apologize for not directly answering your question, but 'interfered' can have such a wide range of description that I would prefer to provide a more nuanced response.
Do I believe Russia promoted certain narratives around the US election: Yes. Do I believe they colluded with Trump to drive his election: No. Do I believe Russia did anything more than what the US has done for other foreign elections (such as Israel's past election): No. Finally, do I believe that Russia's "meddling" had any material impact to the election result: No. I apologize for not directly answering your question, but 'interfered' can have such a wide range of description that I would prefer to provide a more nuanced response.

Plus Russia didn't make Hillary suck.
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