Paris Unity March Today


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Good to see that POS Holder skipped it to come home; guess he has meetings scheduled to go after the Redskins. Ollie North said it best - the march was only for world leaders.
Originally posted by JimmyBob:
Good to see that POS Holder skipped it to come home; guess he has meetings scheduled to go after the Redskins. Ollie North said it best - the march was only for world leaders.
Bad form on the part of the administration.
Didn't you hear? We sent the deputy Sec. of the State to march for the cause.

(In Washington).

Just another example of why we need to kick the assholes out of Washington.

There really needs to be a MAJOR change. I am not a dem or republican. Don't care about political affiliation. The whole lot of them are foul.

Can we get a redo on things starting about, oh, i dont know, 1865 going forward? Lol.