Over/Under on Dems in Primary at 25?

At this point almost all of them aren't serious candidates for 2020. It's about building a name for themselves for future runs or enriching themselves on campaign donations.

Hell I might declare myself as a Democrat candidate for President. I bet I could garner a few million dollars in campaign contributions. :eek:
When will the count be taken? I think we'll hit 25 or more candidates, but there will be less than that still in the race when the first primary (Iowa maybe?) occurs.
Everyone in the country wants to run after seeing that Dim voters will believe anything AOC tells them. Not a very high bar to be a Dim candidate, matter of fact the dumber it appears, the better.
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When will the count be taken? I think we'll hit 25 or more candidates, but there will be less than that still in the race when the first primary (Iowa maybe?) occurs.
22 now and Eric Holder, Michael (thanks @JimmyBob ) Obama, or Hildebitch haven't decided yet.
22 now and Eric Holder, Michael (thanks @JimmyBob ) Obama, or Hildebitch haven't decided yet.

I agree. But you are already seeing cracks in the <1%ers that are in the running now. No way all these cats even make it to the actual starting line.
Saw one of the newest declares this morning.....the ex-marine from MA. He actually was pretty good and had some interesting thoughts. He'll have to polish up his policy presentation though, as he stumbled a few times with easy questions (can you name one thing Trump has done well, for instance. He said standing up to China, but disagreed with the methods. Should have just left it to standing up to China) was probably overthinking them too much, but was interesting to see a guy who wasn't a whack a doodle left pinko.

It will be over 25 by 30 June 2019 for sure.
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Bill De Blasio is supposed to announce today. Now there's a centrist for ya. lol.

This guy tossed his hat into the ring yesterday.

Still doesn't include Abrams who will also likely run. Also are hearing talk of Mark Cuban running an independent campaign (at least on CNBC). He doesn't like Trump, but hates where the Dems are going as a party. Him and the Starbucks guy could make a formidable independent candidacy that would pull major votes from the middle of both parties. Don't think it could win due to the 'party-liners', but would be interesting to see if they could approach Perot level numbers.
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Still doesn't include Abrams who will also likely run. Also are hearing talk of Mark Cuban running an independent campaign (at least on CNBC). He doesn't like Trump, but hates where the Dems are going as a party. Him and the Starbucks guy could make a formidable independent candidacy that would pull major votes from the middle of both parties. Don't think it could win due to the 'party-liners', but would be interesting to see if they could approach Perot level numbers.
Cuban is more of a control freak than Trump. I doubt he'd want to give up running his businesses especially the Mavericks although they may do better without him around.
Cuban is more of a control freak than Trump. I doubt he'd want to give up running his businesses especially the Mavericks although they may do better without him around.

I agree. Not sure he'd actually do it, but should he choose, he has the name, celebrity, is socially liberal, yet 100% capitalist. Combine him with the 'lesser known' but just as wealthy and connected Shultz and it would be a very viable ticket.

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