
Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
Today, I am actually seeing some significant positives that Trump is going to do well as POTUS. Obviously, things are going very well with the stock market, so that is a great thing. But, that is not what has me feeling more optimistic. Trump got himself a makeover before he addressed Congress. That should be something trivial, but it (along with a few other things) might mean something significant.

When Trump was in the process of trying to win the office of POTUS, I felt like he was extremely cocky and was inclined to do things his way and to act on his first inclination without taking the time to think things through. When he was elected, I expected that he would tone things down, listen to his advisers, settle down, and be a calm, measured leader, who took his time to make intelligent decisions rather than acting impulsively. But, that didn't happen.

However, in the last 2-3 days, something may have changed. He got himself a makeover, rather than going with the same silly looking hair and overlarge suits he has had/worn for decades. He gave a measured, positive speech, without making personal attacks on his critics. He used teleprompters, rather than going off the cuff. He has toned down his Twitter rants/attacks.

In short, he is acting more like a leader and less like a bully/impetuous teenager. To me, this is a reason for optimism. It means that he is taking advice from those around him and I think that is extremely important if he is going to be a successful president. Hopefully, this trend continues.
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Reactions: Medic007
The ultimate troll? Lower the bar so much that when you show up at congress and don't say the n word, both sides are forced to fawn all over you.

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