One-third of democrats think Trump staged his attempted assassination.

I’m sure this is how it went down…

Trump: “Even though we’re ahead in the polls, we’ve got to get more votes!”
Other #1: “Let’s have you get shot!”
Other #2: “Yeah! Then those undecided voters will vote for you!”
Other #3: “Yes sir! We’ll just find some 20-year-old loner to do it!
Other #4: “And then we’ll get the Secret Service to allow the guy to hid on the roof, close by!”
Other #2: “But won’t the Secret Service then kill the kid??”
Other #3: “He’s a loner! He won’t care! He probably wants to kill himself anyway!”
Other #5: “But what if he hits you, sir?”
Trump: “Don’t worry. When I hear the shot, I’ll simply turn my head!”

Everyone together:

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