My town is voting tomorrow on a school bond that totals to about $36/$100,00 property tax. I know all the reasons to vote for it. I know the state has cut their funding this year. I know there are some dire maintenance and spending needs for text books, teacher salaries, etc etc. I have three basic problems with the proposed bond. First, I think they are still top heavy in administration in the school district and they have made some questionable spends in the last 3 years building new facilities and renovating existing ones. Second, they are proposing this bond to pay for the things that they cannot use the state money on so that they can use a larger percentage of the state funds for the things it will be allowed to spend for with state money. That seems a little bit like like sideways accounting, but yet totally legit and legal for them to do. I can get past that one. But third, and most of the issue for me, is that I think this would be pumping more money in to an inherently flawed system that will never provide the optimal results for the issues surrounding public education. I do not believe more money is going to fix anything or make anything better in our school district and they bill it as a stop gap fix for state budget shortfalls that will never be given back. This bond issue is just propping up a failing and dieing system.