Another BS narrative...immigrants statistically less violent than natives
I don't trust you to be able to know what a bullshit narrative is seeing as how you believe anything that any lefty says.
Another BS narrative...immigrants statistically less violent than natives
I don't trust you to be able to know what a bullshit narrative is seeing as how you believe anything that any lefty says.
Your typical type of non-response. I'm done with interacting with you on this board.
Write something that shows a basic understanding of the situation and I wouldn't brush you off like a moron.
It’s not skin color. It’s culture.
Your typical type of non-response. I'm done with interacting with you on this board.
take my ball and go home ex-wife
level intellect
you’re cutting balls off to solve an ear infection beaurocratic functionary
level life skills motis operandi emotes thru
every political post you make
it’s what made otard great and sets
the united states up to implode from its own weight
The ME Muslims coming into this country on foot or by air, and the MS 13 criminals pouring across our southern border is the boogeyman that is destroying/will destroy this country and must be stopped at all costs. They believe this because Trump tells them this on a frequent basis.
take my ball and go home ex-wife
level intellect
you’re cutting balls off to solve an ear infection beaurocratic functionary
level life skills motis operandi emotes thru
every political post you make
it’s what made otard great and sets
the united states up to implode from its own weight
a parting shot for the lgbtq to peddle outrage
the disconnect fits
As opposed to ignore button chickenshit move lol...
The disconnect fits
toon you are ex-wife level ignorant
it’s not chickenshit, you have nothing to add
you just talk smack
Meth from Mexico - about 90% of the meth in the USAHow much meth comes over the Canadian border versus Mexico? How many murders in Mexico versus Canada?
You won’t answer either of those but hopefully medic will.
Meth from Mexico - about 90% of the meth in the USA
Meth from Canada - not measurable
Murders in Mexico 2017 - 31,174 known murders
Murders in Canada 2017 - 660 known murders
I'm waiting on Canada's version of El Chapo to hit Netflix. I hear it's going to be called "The Shorty, eh."
@Been Jammin its their damn brown skin I tell you!! Msnbc says it’s the skin color!!!
Is that relevant? How do you think the meth gets into the US? USPS, UPS, and Fed Ex?How much meth is the caravan bringin with them?
Is that relevant? How do you think the meth gets into the US? USPS, UPS, and Fed Ex?
Is that relevant? How do you think the meth gets into the US? USPS, UPS, and Fed Ex?
UhhhhhhhhhhhIf you think cartels are dumb enough to attempt to ship all their drugs through the border, you’re losing this argument lol.
Let’s compare the number of drug catapults to drug tunnels.
Harrold... Your point is an accurate one. However, I have some news for you. Not every conservative is as intelligent, or as capable of critical thinking as you are. For many of them, "keep the brown people out" is an accurate representation for how they think (or at least how I think they think since we can't read minds).
I am conservative and am generally around conservative people. Not one of them would be in the keep the "brown people out" crowd. As a matter of fact they tend to encourage them to come to the United States but to do it legally. I don't think I'm the exception.
He uses extreme hyperbole to make a point. Not a big fan of it.Question..
When you hear Trump call the caravan an "invasion" and claim that there are many middle easterners hiding within the group, what do think? Do you buy either of those contentions?
When you hear Trump call the caravan an "invasion" and claim that there are many middle easterners hiding within the group, what do think? Do you buy either of those contentions?
He uses extreme hyperbole to make a point. Not a big fan of it.
So, you interpret it as extreme hyperbole. Do you think it is possible that a portion of his base interpret it as accurate, factual information?
I'm sure your answer will be yes, so I will go on to my next question.
Let's say that 40 % of the country are Trump supporters. Of those individuals, what percentage do you think believe things that you consider to be extreme hyperbole?
What percentage of libs can discern hyperbole when it comes from their team.
You haven't shown that ability on a broad range of topics.
Small.Let's say that 40 % of the country are Trump supporters. Of those individuals, what percentage do you think believe things that you consider to be extreme hyperbole?
I don’t know. There are idiots on both sides, especially your side. All I can say is that there are way more normal republicans out there than you seem to think.More than 5%?
You should sit this one out.All indications? Like a stock market shitting the bed with a new tax plan?
“Positive” lol
You should sit this one out.
I don’t know. There are idiots on both sides, especially your side. All I can say is that there are way more normal republicans out there than you seem to think.
Remember, we voted for him for a couple of reasons.
1. MAGA (all indications thus far are positive on this front)
2. SCOTUS (Mission Accomplished)
There were many other reasons to have voted for Trump over Hillary but I think these two are the most important.