Omar and Tlaib....

we heard all about orange man bad
and “un-presidential” “divisiveness” after the Pittsburgh synagogue tragedy.

Orange man knew we are at war, while you had the luxury of keeping your head in the sand and pot shotting him for it.

this is your dim party charlie

your weak minded sell out leadership panders to this scum

40M and an empty no scope investigation later you’re left with this well deserved shit show crying victim for your party

the ignorance is laughable

They have the gall to call Trump a racist but accept this absolute BS in their own party. And they wonder why Trump is so popular?

Has their ever been in the history of politics such an obviously hypocritical party that is the Dem party of today? Calling them hypocrites is putting it mildly. There is a political civil war going on, they are waging it with no apologies for anything they say or do.

I am telling you folks, open up your pocket book and donate to Trump.
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