Nothing. This is how Texas, with Stitt signing the bill what does that do to morons getting and carrying a gun? And the house just passed extended federal background checks for all firearm sales and transfers. So, what's the end result here?
so, with Stitt signing the bill what does that do to morons getting and carrying a gun? And the house just passed extended federal background checks for all firearm sales and transfers. So, what's the end result here?
You'll be able to carry concealed or open in Oklahoma without a permit. The people that couldn't get permits because of background can't carry (felony, domestic violence, mental health, etc). I'm not a fan. The permit system allowed law enforcement to know that you have been prescreened for that stuff. Now, they won't know if you can carry by law or not until they check you, with Stitt signing the bill what does that do to morons getting and carrying a gun? And the house just passed extended federal background checks for all firearm sales and transfers. So, what's the end result here?
Our homicide rate is probably going to make Democrat infested cities seem like daycares.There will be lots more pew pew pew. Probably need to bring in rooster cogburn and the rest of judge Parker’s Marshalls to get control of this wild territory.
that was my concern...a lot of the wrong people with a weapon. Hell, I guess they can get them anyway but maybe now it's easier. And, it may not change a thing. Guess we're going to find out.You'll be able to carry concealed or open in Oklahoma without a permit. The people that couldn't get permits because of background can't carry (felony, domestic violence, mental health, etc). I'm not a fan. The permit system allowed law enforcement to know that you have been prescreened for that stuff. Now, they won't know if you can carry by law or not until they check you out.
Federal House bill is a sham that won't get through the Senate or Trump. It was nothing but time wasting politics. There's zero way to enforce background checks on the private transfer of guns.
so, with Stitt signing the bill what does that do to morons getting and carrying a gun? And the house just passed extended federal background checks for all firearm sales and transfers. So, what's the end result here?
The nefarious people already get and carry guns. The permit law didn't change that and this new law will have no effect on it either. The downside is for legal carriers because you won't have a card to show you're legit now.that was my concern...a lot of the wrong people with a weapon. Hell, I guess they can get them anyway but maybe now it's easier. And, it may not change a thing. Guess we're going to find out.
Well in that case, Oklahoma just got redder. It sucks to have to wait until November to start the consequence free killing spree.It will be the wild west. The streets will be red with blood.
I learned that from the libs discussing it on Facebook
that was my concern...a lot of the wrong people with a weapon. Hell, I guess they can get them anyway but maybe now it's easier. And, it may not change a thing. Guess we're going to find out.
While absolutely true, it also takes away the way law enforcement had to know up front if you are probably legal or not.All this does is make it less expensive for rule followers.
Lots of wrong people are already carrying weapons.that was my concern...a lot of the wrong people with a weapon. Hell, I guess they can get them anyway but maybe now it's easier. And, it may not change a thing. Guess we're going to find out.
don't know...I'm all for owning a gun if that's your desire, but there are a lot of people who shouldn't have one and I don't know the best way to keep them from having one without intruding a bit on the rights of the ones' who aren't a threat. Someone said this is the same law as Texas and don't know if it's been a problem there or not. And I don't know if the stats would tell the true story. Some of the points Citty brings up are worth noting and if I was a cop the odds of me getting shot will go up Nov 1. And the odds of them shooting someone go up as well. Just using the numbers alone would make you think things will get more testy. And, whatever law they come up with will be easily manipulated. If you want a gun you're gonna get one. It's too easy. So, there is no absolute answer. The barn doors' been left open....I’m open minded. Fifteen states have this, so is that what happened there?
I'm going to use the same argument that liberals do against voter ID here. I shouldn't have to pay for the privilege of exercising my constitutional rights. I mean, let's apply that same logic to our other rights.“At least they’re responsible enough to go get a permit and go through the motions, pay for it. Now, you don’t have to do any of that,” he said. “Any individual can carry one at any point in time, regardless of how responsible they are.”
They didn't like the Poll Tax.At least he was responsible enough to pay for an ID card to vote.
Seems like the Police Chief would be pushing for "stop and frisk" authority rather than being upset that law abiding citizens have a Constitutional right to protect themselves anytime anywhere.
One night watching LivePD is enough to show that a large number of law ignoring people are out carrying guns already.
It just reinforces what I saw on my 3-month term on the Dallas County Grand Jury seven years ago.That show will make you a proponent of Nazi era forced sterilization.
you mean Stitts...yes he did. It's a jump ball for me...don't know the solution.Did your Governor sign the bill?