OK state legislation makes the news again... interesting...


May 29, 2001
I have to say, I like the idea. Not sure it is necessarily the Libertarian ideal - since it requires small businesses to wear a scarlet letter basically or presumably face fines and penalties. But I like the idea personally because although I think someone should be able to serve or not serve anyone they want, I think they should suffer the free market consequences (or, arguably I guess... enjoy potential benefits) of such policies.

Especially since I own a small business that could benefit (in theory) from weeding out some competitors who wouldn't take gay wedding business. I would.

Lawmaker proposes businesses that reject gays should state their policy clearly for the public to see.
Originally posted by squeak:
I think it could have unintended consequences.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I have no doubt. Slippery slope written all over it, and that's my trepidation.

Besides, I think that independent reviews and free press will get the word out on such businesses. But, like I said, it's stupid to have such practices and I doubt we are talking about any significant number of businesses anyway. Is this actually a problem anywhere? Homosexuals being denied service? I've never seen it, but I'm sure it's happening to some degree.
Especially since I own a small business that could benefit (in theory) from weeding out some competitors who wouldn't take gay wedding business. I would.
My wife shot one last year. If you like money, there is a fair amout of cash to be made in niche markets.

The biggest issue... how to pose people in traditional shots
I don't get why anyone would force a business to work a wedding if the business owner honestly told them it goes against their religious believes.

Should a Muslim be forced to work a Jewish wedding or vice versa?

If someone doesn't want my business I'm more than happy to take it elsewhere.
I'm pretty sure that it only works one way.

Kind of like business not needing to hire white-dudes.
If you are a Muslim chef, can you be forced to prepare and serve pork?


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