Oh Those With Such Little Faith!

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Netanyahu’s got this. And even if he doesn’t think how many Palestinians he gets to kill! It’s a win-win, baby!

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Never underestimate Good when defeating Evil.
Netanyahu's goal is to eradicate Hamas, so says the article. What's wrong with that? And this upsets you @Ponca Dan ? You keep telling us you're not pro-Hamas. But apparently, you are.
Netanyahu’s goal is the Zionist goal: eradicate Palestinians from the land so the Chosen People can have it all. Netanyahu/Zionists don’t care what it takes, kill them all or drive them into the desert, he/they have been promised by God all the land is theirs and they’re going to take it one way or another. Hamas gave him/them the perfect excuse to do what he/they have wanted to do ever since Israel was founded. He/they are counting on rubes like you to stay focused on “But Hamas, but Oct 7” while they complete their mission.
Netanyahu’s goal is the Zionist goal: eradicate Palestinians from the land so the Chosen People can have it all. Netanyahu/Zionists don’t care what it takes, kill them all or drive them into the desert, he/they have been promised by God all the land is theirs and they’re going to take it one way or another. Hamas gave him/them the perfect excuse to do what he/they have wanted to do ever since Israel was founded. He/they are counting on rubes like you to stay focused on “But Hamas, but Oct 7” while they complete their mission.

You posted an article stating his goal is to eradicate Hamas, not eradicate all Palestinians.

Another Red Herring Fallacy by PoncaDan.
You posted an article stating his goal is to eradicate Hamas, not eradicate all Palestinians.

Another Red Herring Fallacy by PoncaDan.
Say what you want on this board. We both know the Zionist goal is to have it all and do whatever it takes, including murdering as many men, women, children and babies, all of them if necessary, to achieve it.
Say what you want on this board. We both know the Zionist goal is to have it all and do whatever it takes, including murdering as many men, women, children and babies, all of them if necessary, to achieve it.

Then post an article that proves your point, not some unrelated article. That will go a long ways to improve your spotty image around here.
Say what you want on this board. We both know the Zionist goal is to have it all and do whatever it takes, including murdering as many men, women, children and babies, all of them if necessary, to achieve it.
You keep saying the goal of the Zionist is to wipe out the Palestinians to take over the land but you never say anything about the goal of the Palestinians to wipe out the Israelis.
Then post an article that proves your point, not some unrelated article. That will go a long ways to improve your spotty image around here.
I have a spotty image around here? Of dear, what will I do? What the article says is US “experts” don’t think he can destroy Hamas. You can deflect if you want, but US “experts” don’t think he can do it, yet we’re giving him all the weapons he wants to kill more Palestinians even though he can’t do what he says he wants to do. Think about that for a minute. We know he can’t destroy Hamas, he can only kill more Palestinians and we’re giving him the weapons to do it. Why? Remember his first pronouncement immediately following Oct 7, where he invoked Amalekites? He told us right up front what he was about and has kept you distracted with “Hamas!!!”
You keep saying the goal of the Zionist is to wipe out the Palestinians to take over the land but you never say anything about the goal of the Palestinians to wipe out the Israelis.
That’s because there is no evidence that’s a Palestinian goal, only a Hamas goal. You frequently bring up Israel could wipe out Gaza but doesn’t (even though that’s exactly what they’re doing this very minute), while claiming all every Palestinian wants to do is kill all the Jews. If that is true why didn’t they do it before the founding of Israel when Palestinians were the vast majority and had all the power on Palestine?
I have a spotty image around here? Of dear, what will I do? What the article says is US “experts” don’t think he can destroy Hamas. You can deflect if you want, but US “experts” don’t think he can do it, yet we’re giving him all the weapons he wants to kill more Palestinians even though he can’t do what he says he wants to do. Think about that for a minute. We know he can’t destroy Hamas, he can only kill more Palestinians and we’re giving him the weapons to do it. Why? Remember his first pronouncement immediately following Oct 7, where he invoked Amalekites? He told us right up front what he was about and has kept you distracted with “Hamas!!!”

Who is deflecting? Nice dodge. The article is about Hamas.
Who is deflecting? Nice dodge. The article is about Hamas.
No, the article is about American intelligence experts concluding Netanyahu can’t do what he says he’s going to do. If it were about Hamas it would be discussing what Hamas is doing or saying it is going to do. It’s a subtle distinction.
That’s because there is no evidence that’s a Palestinian goal, only a Hamas goal. You frequently bring up Israel could wipe out Gaza but doesn’t (even though that’s exactly what they’re doing this very minute), while claiming all every Palestinian wants to do is kill all the Jews. If that is true why didn’t they do it before the founding of Israel when Palestinians were the vast majority and had all the power on Palestine?
No evidence except poll after poll showing the overwhelming majority of the Palestinians back the October 7th attack. Now keep in mind here Dan the October 7th attack was not against the Israeli military, it was the intentional targeting innocent women and children. Making matters worse the attack was intentionally brutal. Think about that Dan, Palestinians overwhelmingly support intentionally targeting innocent women and children and the intentional brutality in that attack. What kind of evil is that?

No Dan the Israelis are not purposely targeting Palestinian civilians, if they were they would not be putting the safety of their own troops at risk by notifying the Palestinians days in advance they would be performing military operations in those areas and the death toll would be in the hundreds of thousands, not just the number reported by Hamas.

Israel has the ability to indiscriminately bomb all of Gaza without notice, killing every Palestinian in those areas but they are not doing that. They use precision munitions targeting Hamas fighters who are hiding among the civilian population. By the way using civilians as human shields is against international law but that's not a problem for you. You ignore that like you do the Palestinians support of killing innocent Israelis.
No evidence except poll after poll showing the overwhelming majority of the Palestinians back the October 7th attack. Now keep in mind here Dan the October 7th attack was not against the Israeli military, it was the intentional targeting innocent women and children. Making matters worse the attack was intentionally brutal. Think about that Dan, Palestinians overwhelmingly support intentionally targeting innocent women and children and the intentional brutality in that attack. What kind of evil is that?

No Dan the Israelis are not purposely targeting Palestinian civilians, if they were they would not be putting the safety of their own troops at risk by notifying the Palestinians days in advance they would be performing military operations in those areas and the death toll would be in the hundreds of thousands, not just the number reported by Hamas.

Israel has the ability to indiscriminately bomb all of Gaza without notice, killing every Palestinian in those areas but they are not doing that. They use precision munitions targeting Hamas fighters who are hiding among the civilian population. By the way using civilians as human shields is against international law but that's not a problem for you. You ignore that like you do the Palestinians support of killing innocent Israelis.
Information straight from Netanyahu himself. You've absorbed it all. Congrats!
Netanyahu's goal is to eradicate Hamas, so says the article. What's wrong with that? And this upsets you @Ponca Dan ? You keep telling us you're not pro-Hamas. But apparently, you are.
He has clearly stated he isn't anti-Hamas. He's only against those Hamas who actually take up arms and fight. He proudly supports those who perform the administrative and other support duties for the terrorist organization.
He has clearly stated he isn't anti-Hamas. He's only against those Hamas who actually take up arms and fight. He proudly supports those who perform the administrative and other support duties for the terrorist organization.
Don't let his words fool you, watch his actions. While he hasn't said it, his post certainly support the thought he thinks the October 7th attack was justified.
Hamas gave him/them the perfect excuse to do what he/they have wanted to do ever since Israel was founded.
In other words, the hamastinians f.ucked around and found out. Props to you for finally conceding the debate.

Now, run along to the OT board and post about steak houses, secret fishing spots, craft beer, etc.
A more peaceful world thats why.
In last 300 hundred years who has killed more people the west or the Muslims.
Was any world war was started by Muslims. Was Holocaust done by Muslims. Was cold war was between the Muslims and the west.
You don't even know who is peaceful or not
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In last 300 hundred years who has killed more people the west or the Muslims.
Was any world war was started by Muslims. Was Holocaust done by Muslims. Was cold war was between the Muslims and the west.
You don't even know who is peaceful or not
I know Mooslums are not peaceful. Which Country hid Bin Laden and protected him? Yep, yours.
I know Mooslums are not peaceful. Which Country hid Bin Laden and protected him? Yep, yours.
If laden was responsible for 9/11 he was a terrorist. I have not met a Muslim terrorist but I can assure u of one thing Israel creating a bunch right now.
If your house was bombed and your family killed by a country that was occupying your land how would you react
If laden was responsible for 9/11 he was a terrorist. I have not met a Muslim terrorist but I can assure u of one thing Israel creating a bunch right now.
If your house was bombed and your family killed by a country that was occupying your land how would you react
Israel can’t create Muslim Palestinian terrorists if they kill all the Palestinians. And killing them all is the goal. Problem solved!
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