oh no, they’re eating dogs! they’re eating cats!!

Another one of those conspiracy theories right?….

That a few years later turns out to be true…
It was confirmed as true when Trump said it.

Has Trump ever made a claim that wasn't later proven true?

This is what Trump does:

1 - Makes the claim.

2 - Media immediately says he is lying. This is where haters like OP stop paying attention to the story.

3 - Later we learn Trump was right.

Since Trump haters never get past the media saying Trump lied, they believe Trump lies about everything. Those of us who actually think critically and do our own research, know it's the media that lies about everything.
I get it. We're not supposed to believe the citizens of Springfield, but we're supposed to believe the Fake News Cartel that brought us these timeless classics?

-- Russia Collusion Hoax
-- Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
-- Jussie Smollett Hoax
-- Covington KKKids Hoax
-- Very Fine People Hoax
-- Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
-- Russian Bounties Hoax
-- Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
-- Over 50 Imminent Environmental Catastrophe Hoaxes
-- Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
-- Rittenhouse Hoax
-- Eating While Black Hoax
-- Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
-- NASCAR Noose Hoax
-- The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
-- Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax
-- MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax
-- COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax
-- Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax
-- Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax
-- COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax
-- Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax
-- The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax
-- Trump Told People to Drink Bleach Hoax
-- Hamas Hospital Hoax
-- If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax
-- The Alfa Bank Hoax
-- Libs of TikTok Murdered Non-Binary Teen Hoax
-- The Aaron Rodgers Sandy Hook-Truther Hoax
-- The ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax
-- The “Trump Staged His Own Assassination Attempt” Hoax (Still Ongoing)
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I get it. We're not supposed to believe the citizens of Springfield, but we're supposed to believe the Fake News Cartel that brought us these timeless classic?

-- Russia Collusion Hoax
-- Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
-- Jussie Smollett Hoax
-- Covington KKKids Hoax
-- Very Fine People Hoax
-- Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
-- Russian Bounties Hoax
-- Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
-- Over 50 Imminent Environmental Catastrophe Hoaxes
-- Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
-- Rittenhouse Hoax
-- Eating While Black Hoax
-- Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
-- NASCAR Noose Hoax
-- The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
-- Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax
-- MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax
-- COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax
-- Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax
-- Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax
-- COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax
-- Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax
-- The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax
-- Trump Told People to Drink Bleach Hoax
-- Hamas Hospital Hoax
-- If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax
-- The Alfa Bank Hoax
-- Libs of TikTok Murdered Non-Binary Teen Hoax
-- The Aaron Rodgers Sandy Hook-Truther Hoax
-- The ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax
- The “Trump staged his own assassination attempt” hoax (still ongoing)
While the media and the left pick on the open sore of Trump’s remarks, nobody is addressing the underlying issue. Why are 20,000 Haitians in a community in Ohio?
I hope the ones aiding the movement of illegals into our country are put on the return flights with the illegals and dropped off in their countries. Just make sure to revoke their visas so they can go straight to prison when they attempt to sneak back into our country
He is losing it. lol
Of course he is.

This latest false claim by him is absurd of course, but now, he is placing children and others in harm's way. Elementary schools having to evacuate children because of Trump's lies.

Trump is a cancer. He is a clear and present danger to our nation, to our nation's future, and to every American. He should already be in jail for his criminal acts.

Seriously, children are having to be evacuated from their schools because of this nutcase's lies. Just think about that for a moment.

And the cultists on this board? What do they do? They believe his lies and nonsense and keep defending him 🙄

November can't get here quick enough. It is time for Americans to reject this man and his insanity once and for all.
  • Haha
Reactions: EZ Reyes
Of course he is.

This latest false claim by him is absurd of course, but now, he is placing children and others in harm's way. Elementary schools having to evacuate children because of Trump's lies.

Trump is a cancer. He is a clear and present danger to our nation, to our nation's future, and to every American. He should already be in jail for his criminal acts.

Seriously, children are having to be evacuated from their schools because of this nutcase's lies. Just think about that for a moment.

And the cultists on this board? What do they do? They believe his lies and nonsense and keep defending him 🙄

November can't get here quick enough. It is time for Americans to reject this man and his insanity once and for all.

Who is responsible for the 11, 12 or 13 million illegals that have come into the country over the last three almost four years. Based on the murders, molestation of children and the rising violent crime rates, I would say it is Biden/Harris that are placing women, children and innocent American citizens in harms way but hey you do you.
Of course he is.

This latest false claim by him is absurd of course, but now, he is placing children and others in harm's way. Elementary schools having to evacuate children because of Trump's lies.

Trump is a cancer. He is a clear and present danger to our nation, to our nation's future, and to every American. He should already be in jail for his criminal acts.

Seriously, children are having to be evacuated from their schools because of this nutcase's lies. Just think about that for a moment.

And the cultists on this board? What do they do? They believe his lies and nonsense and keep defending him 🙄

November can't get here quick enough. It is time for Americans to reject this man and his insanity once and for all.
☝🏻triggered. Another “Reeeeeee!!!” rant devoid of any substance.
Who is responsible for the 11, 12 or 13 million illegals that have come into the country over the last three almost four years.
Who is responsible for all the undocumented immigrants who came into our country from January 2017 through January 2021?

What law did Trump signed into law to fix our immigration system during his four years as President? What immigration reform bill passed the Republican control Congress from 2017 through 2019?

Based on the murders, molestation of children and the rising violent crime rates,
So, if you believe this to be true (it isn't but anyways, if you believe it), all those undocumented immigrants who entered our country while Trump was President, was every one of them peaceful and not criminals? Are only those who came in since 2021 criminals?🙄

You are being controlled right now by fear. Lies and fear. The oldest trick in a politician's playbook.

Wake up.
☝🏻triggered. Another “Reeeeeee!!!” rant devoid of any substance.
Now it is "Africans." Of course.

You need help man.

You do realize that children, children, are being evacuated from their schools in Springfield, Ohio because of threats arising from these lies, fear, and hate?

Do you understand, or have any historical knowledge that this is one of the OLDEST racist tropes in American history?

Do you support scaring the children of this town for a demagogue like Trump?

Have you no dignity?
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  • Haha
Reactions: EZ Reyes
Yep. Trump appreciates @my_2cents @Breastman @OKstate_86 and all the other libbers claiming this is a lie.

All you guys are doing is drawing more attention to the truth.

Trump makes the claim, and you guys take the bait and call him a liar. That gives everyone TWO reasons to research on their own.

Then they find out the truth for themselves. Oh shit...Trump was right.

Trump found a way to get all of America to research FOR THEMSELVES a story that the MSM had completely buried.

Trump wins again. Amazing you guys keep falling for it.
Who is responsible for all the undocumented immigrants who came into our country from January 2017 through January 2021?

What law did Trump signed into law to fix our immigration system during his four years as President? What immigration reform bill passed the Republican control Congress from 2017 through 2019?

So, if you believe this to be true (it isn't but anyways, if you believe it), all those undocumented immigrants who entered our country while Trump was President, was every one of them peaceful and not criminals? Are only those who came in since 2021 criminals?🙄

You are being controlled right now by fear. Lies and fear. The oldest trick in a politician's playbook.

Wake up.

It's very simple 2 cents. Democrats have encouraged and facilitated tens of millions of illegals to enter the country illegally in the last 4 years, Trump didn't. Look no further than the picture of AOC crying while overlooking a empty parking lot while Trump was President for an understanding of the entire issue.
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You do realize that children, children, are being evacuated from their schools in Springfield, Ohio because of threats arising from these lies, fear, and hate?

Do you understand, or have any historical knowledge that this is one of the OLDEST racist tropes in American history?

Do you support scaring the children of this town for a demagogue like Trump?

Have you no dignity?
To thinking people, it’s quite obvious that if these threats are related to the citizens’ of Springfield concern over their pets being eaten, then the threats are coming from the left. Leftist freaks trying to terrorize Springfield citizens and their children for calling attention to the pet-eaters. Just like when y’all tried to kill Trump two months ago.
It's very simple 2 cents. Democrats have encouraged and facilitated tens of millions of illegals to enter the country illegally in the last 4 years, Trump didn't. Look no further than the picture of AOC crying while overlooking a empty parking lot while Trump was President for an understanding of the entire issue.
If Trump did nothing about illegal immigration, why did libs like @my_2cents @Breastman @OKstate_86 @CowboyUp spend 4 years bitching about what he was doing to illegal immigrants?

Libs here's an honest question for you: Why can't you guys just admit that having people barbequing pets in the middle of the street is NOT a good thing? Are you guys so lost in defending your politics that you have abandoned all reason and decency?
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Of course he is.

This latest false claim by him is absurd of course, but now, he is placing children and others in harm's way. Elementary schools having to evacuate children because of Trump's lies.

Trump is a cancer. He is a clear and present danger to our nation, to our nation's future, and to every American. He should already be in jail for his criminal acts.

Seriously, children are having to be evacuated from their schools because of this nutcase's lies. Just think about that for a moment.

And the cultists on this board? What do they do? They believe his lies and nonsense and keep defending him 🙄

November can't get here quick enough. It is time for Americans to reject this man and his insanity once and for all.

After reading this guy’s misinformed screed for the last 20-minutes something has become evident. Riddle me this batman, when I take this tripe from Kamallahmy_2cents and step back 10-feet from the screen like looking at a stereograph, what emerged from the clutter was this.

Close your eyes and imagine P-Dan swapping his home boy Palestinians, his burka, hang glider & AK for my_2cents (+ a bonus 50 IQ points), Trump, duck call, a BBQ grill and Kamallahchameleon & her cottony sidekick and what do you get?

You get the toto syndrome, that is that P-Dan & notworth_2cents are one in the same poster. The “hate for the day” depends on where in the world his dart hits as he tunes up fix the internet.
Of course he is.

This latest false claim by him is absurd of course, but now, he is placing children and others in harm's way. Elementary schools having to evacuate children because of Trump's lies.

Trump is a cancer. He is a clear and present danger to our nation, to our nation's future, and to every American. He should already be in jail for his criminal acts.

Seriously, children are having to be evacuated from their schools because of this nutcase's lies. Just think about that for a moment.

And the cultists on this board? What do they do? They believe his lies and nonsense and keep defending him 🙄

November can't get here quick enough. It is time for Americans to reject this man and his insanity once and for all.
The people who want to censor free speech and who are taking us to the brink of WW3 are good people right?
The people who want to censor free speech and who are taking us to the brink of WW3 are good people right?
Who is wanting to censor "free speech?" Who is taking us to the brink of WW3?

You mean Trump, who after he got beat in the debate, wanted to censor ABC and strip them of their license?🤔
  • Haha
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The people who want to censor free speech and who are taking us to the brink of WW3 are good people right?
Politics over country has become politics over world for half nickel.

Half nickel reminds me of another liberal. This was in 2017 or so when Trump and Kim Jon Ungwhateever were supposed to be on the brink of WW3. Trump met with him, the meeting went great, and it was obvious there would be no escalation.

At that point I found a liberal who actually said this: "I know it's best for the world that we avoid nuclear war, but I'll be honest, part of me wishes NK would have nuked us cause now you know Trump is gonna take credit for this.'

That's who these people are. Their politics are everything.
Of course he is.

This latest false claim by him is absurd of course, but now, he is placing children and others in harm's way. Elementary schools having to evacuate children because of Trump's lies.

Trump is a cancer. He is a clear and present danger to our nation, to our nation's future, and to every American. He should already be in jail for his criminal acts.

Seriously, children are having to be evacuated from their schools because of this nutcase's lies. Just think about that for a moment.

And the cultists on this board? What do they do? They believe his lies and nonsense and keep defending him 🙄

November can't get here quick enough. It is time for Americans to reject this man and his insanity once and for all.
Shot down again, dipshit.


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