Why don't you just admit that she made a ridiculous analogy?Did she mention anything about the Jewish people who have been chased out of most every country in North Africa and the ME? My guess would be no.
The harassment of Jews started in the late 20's and extended into the 30's with the Wannsee Protocol putting the emphasis on mass extermination. It ended in 1945, well except for the peaceful muslims. So that is a period of roughly 20 years....20 freakin years Been. There is absolutely no comparison to the criminals that are leaving central America to come here and immediately place their mouth firmly on the assistance tit to, the Jewish persons in the Holocaust. Your a smart guy, but her line and the museums "anyone can digress to what happened in the holocaust" is just absolute crap.
There is absolutely and unequivocally no comparison to what happened in NAZI Germany and what is happening on the US border, none! The US wasn't defeated in a world war then made to sign a treaty that was so vindictive and unfair that it served to give rise to an incubation period for what eventually became NAZI Germany and the rise of Hitler. Whoever wrote that blurb from the museum is an idiot and probably a liberal open borders Bernie supporter.
How many times do I have to give up ITT? You guys are dug in and it is a waste of my time to continue with this discussion.
The girl isn't smart. No matter how much you lefties want to premote her that is the facts.
She wants on the finance committee but she can't even explain how she'd pay for universal health care or free college.