Political Correctness strikes again.
This guy got fired for positing the same crap as pilt.
But it's not anti Semitic here.
Political Correctness strikes again.
This guy got fired for positing the same crap as pilt.
But it's not anti Semitic here.
This guy got fired for positing the same crap as pilt.
But it's not anti Semitic here.
How many millions or billions of dollars have been invested in the Palestinian people? There are roughly 4 million Palestinians.
They could all be living in luxury condos in Egypt if it wasn’t for the stick it to Israel aspect of this. 70 ****ing years and no solution. They are used and it’s evil at this point to continue to pay them to get shot on video like rejected applicants from the most dangerous game.
The clowns at the UN get to thumb their noses at israel with cover from these front line pawns. Liberals what have you done for brown people anywhere? They waste money and make things worse. Go down the list.
libtards forget egyptian tanks rolling across the desert and syrian tanks down the valley
there would have been no gaza for the jews
What does any of that have to do with Palestinians?
i’m going to take this as a troll
you honestly can’t be this obtuse
it’s just not possible
i’m going to take this as a troll
you honestly can’t be this obtuse
it’s just not possible
...there would have been no gaza for the jews
iberals what have you done for brown people anywhere?
End thread.Emancipation proclamation.
In general, your typical lack of clearly and concisely stating your point is confusing me.
Voting Rights Act.
Your turn. What have conservatives done for brown people?
you want me to take the hit for your confusion?
that’s how you people operate
you could say “i’m confused”
but you wanna pin the tail on the donkey
i'm not gonna own that with an explanation
is that clear to you???
Emancipation proclamation.
i Would say not flushing our system down the socialism toilet has been good for everyone.
I trust you of course but can you do the break down of dems for and against in the house and senate versus repubs?
Sounds about right. Alf molests 150 year old history to find something and Wharry points to inaction as conservatism's signature racial accomplishment.
Well, it was heavily dem with LBJ, but be careful Wharry, as you know the parties had a sea change after Brown v. Board of Education and the1960's. Jim Crow went Republican as LBJ predicted. Here's one of the great conservative racial tomes:
What else have conservatives done for blacks?
preserving the greatest economic engine on earth against the evils of socialists in lib clothing is inaction?
Here’s the deal. Black people and other minorities are just like everyone else. They don’t need special treatment. They don’t need legislation. Systematic racism is dwindling into history's dust bin and you can’t stand it.
In fact, I think that is your M.O. Jump into a thread with nebulous comments so that other posters will think you are are clever.
Yes. You're trying to spin mere self interest as some attempt to help brown people.
Systematic racism is dwindling into history's dust bin as a result of systematic collective action (i.e. "government") to reverse the long history of racism. Every step since Brown v. Board of Education has been with white conservatives objecting. Don't claim liberalism's victory as your own.
You're trying to make capitalism as something that's helped. IF that's the case, where was all the progress between 1864 and 1954?
like i said pin the tail on the donkey is
strong with you
question been
is that you whistling and clapping in the audience?
i ask because it takes a certain level of intelligence to take otards comments as fact and cheer them on
1864 - 1954 = Golden age of civil rights progress thanks to limited government and capitalism.
You aren’t possibly talking 100 year old smack are you? Is that what this is? You want a debate about you people wrecking minorities lives to be about the first steps of post slavery?
I’m with Cbrad. You just have too much toontown in you to engage with. Sad really.
Emancipation proclamation.
End thread.
You aren’t possibly talking 100 year old smack are you? Is that what this is? You want a debate about you people wrecking minorities lives to be about the first steps of post slavery?
I’m with Cbrad. You just have too much toontown in you to engage with. Sad really.
I’m going to need a moment please.Alpha poke you suck
You just blew poor ol' Alf outta the water, dork. No, we've pretty much blew up your idea that doing nothing but being capitalist and self-interested has helped brown people, that was the status quo for quite a while.
And yeah we both know how this goes. I take it off the FOX/Rush Limbaugh script and look at the most basic facts, and that's unfair. It's so unfair when a damned lib doesn't play along.
I'm enjoying this so much, let's spot you a couple. If you'd like to tell me another conservative "help" for brownies since _____________ I'm all years. I'll throw in segregation and the great Thurgood, Voting Right Act, Civil Rights Act, and affirmative action. It's okay if you need to go back to 1864.
What does any of that have to do with Palestinians?
I'm also unclear as to what you mean by this:
because, currently Gaza is occupied by Palestinians, not Jews.
In general, your typical lack of clearly and concisely stating your point is confusing me.
Brownies don’t need help!! That’s the point. At some point we both have to recognize they are 5/5ths of a person. Conservatives aren’t scrambling around because there is nothing to do. Slaves freed, discrimination illegal, everyone can vote. Now it’s up to your heart and mine to treat people as mlk jr told us to.
You “doing shit” has ruined entire communities.
YOu've gone from, "What have libs done to help?" to "Brownies don't need help!"
The disappointing thing about all this is your awful grasp of history. The plight of American minorities is waaaaay better today than 60 years ago, and that's not due to government inaction. They don't need the help they once did... but there's still work to be done. You don't get poverty.
the palestinians would fill any power vacuum left by the destruction of an israeli nation state
is that so hard for you to comprehend ?
do you want to argue this point?
75% of blacks born without the foundation and support of married parents. Church attendance way down. Drug addiction up. incarceration rates up. Section 8 housing a disaster in inner cities run by your kind.
Having Archie bunker change tables when you walked in is nostalgic compared to the post liberal apocalypse attack on their communities.
Everything was going in the right direction until you people decided you needed racism to recreate the Obama coalition on Election Day and also get clicks to sell advertising. My generation would have continued to reject the thoughts of our parents and grandparents.
But then here comes Michael Brown. The lies. The narrative. The mom on stage at the dnc. Racial tensions are going backwards and it’s exactly the plan that you willingly play a part in.
That is the dumbest shit I've ever read. And then comes Michael Brown. Unplug your tv and radio and buy some books. Not Bill OReillbooks - real books from real, respected historians.