GDP - measured in 2009 dollars
Q308 - $14.892 trillion
Q316 - $16.713 trillion
Bottom line - Up 12%Q316 - $16.713 trillion
Up 12 percent from one of the worst recessions in history, over 8 years is awful.That is an average growth rate of 1.425%.GDP - measured in 2009 dollars
Q308 - $14.892 trillionBottom line - Up 12%
Q316 - $16.713 trillion
What would the deficit have been if not constrained by sequester?Annual Budget Deficit
FY09 - $1,413 bln USDBottom line - 64% reduction
FY17 - $504 bln USD
Recession didn't really bite the GDP until Q4.Up 12 percent from one of the worst recessions in history, over 8 years is awful.That is an average growth rate of 1.425%.
Outside of the fact the narcissist Obama will try and interject his opinion into everything going forward Obama is going to go down in history as another Jimmy Carter.
Source?Median household income
Q308 - $50,303Bottom line - up 15% just trailing rate of inflation over the same period.
Q316 - $57,929
15.5 million of those are Medicaid. Man that 0bamacare is a raging success, huh?Uninsured Americans (Healthcare)
Q308 - 45 mlnBottom line - Down 18 million - 40% reduction even as the US population has projected to increase by 20 mln.
Q316 - 27 mln
Hmmmmm. Exactly why have rates been kept so low during his presidency? Must be that booming 0bama economy!30 year mortgage rate
Q308 - 6.46%Bottom line - 45% reduction
Q316 - 3.54%
From household income
Q308 - $50,303Bottom line - up 15% just trailing rate of inflation over the same period.
Q316 - $57,929
Two things- Scones make me fat (ter) and I feel bad that you feel inferior sometimes.Honey, come look at how I put these redneck conservatives in their place! May I have another scone?
Yes.So, "bottom line" Obama did nothing wrong? You think our country is financially in a good place? You think the pople of this country are better off than they were when he took over?
Cup and Obama are the only people who use the phrase "SCOREBOARD". If Trump does something stupid he will be called out on this board. We're not sheep like the fanboys on the the left.
By the way, your use of nine different posts to emphasize your point was awesome.
Second, when a rough patch shows up and you feel compelled to talk about the "shit show that Trump inherited" - make sure you have your facts straight. He is walking into a situation where the fundamentals are favorable and will have nothing but his own policies to blame if things head south.
Finally, I am rooting for him to be successful if only because we, as a nation, have a golden oppty to continue and even accelerate an economic recovery that will lift all Americans.
I hope too that the recovery continues and will lift all Americans...but I think we both know which Americans are going to be lifted over the next four years. It won't be all Americans sadly.
I hope too that the recovery continues and will lift all Americans...but I think we both know which Americans are going to be lifted over the next four years. It won't be all Americans sadly.
Which ones won't it lift, why not, and how would a popular vote driven Hillary win have lifted them? I have so many questions.
Which one has the hips to birth a big headed baby?If Pilt and Sis got together and had a baby, this guy kind of fits that mold.
Which one has the hips to birth a big headed baby?
HahahahahahahaI prefer to think that they both got penetrated... so I have no idea who actually performed the gestation.
I hope too that the recovery continues and will lift all Americans...but I think we both know which Americans are going to be lifted over the next four years. It won't be all Americans sadly.