nyt op ed


Heisman Winner
Oct 13, 2015
and the russian boogeyman puts govmt on hold while the dems regroup

classic diversionary scandal

after initially being upset after further review this jeff sessions testimony has me more pissed that he stupidly walked into frankensteins shitstorm than any sort of discrepancy in his testimony

Without commenting on the substance of the various narratives, it appears the left is winning this battle of the narratives so far.

The left controls the media, and thus controls the narrative. They always have. Thats why they were shocked with the election results. The narrative has become so slanted that the people who it would attempt to influence no longer pay it any attention.
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The left controls the media, and thus controls the narrative. They always have. Thats why they were shocked with the election results. The narrative has become so slanted that the people who it would attempt to influence no longer pay it any attention.

I was making specific reference to the two competing narratives of Trump and Russia v. Obama wiretapping Trump. Also making specific reference to the two different narratives specifically on "Obama wiretapping Trump" (Breitbart's and the counter one I proposed as possible).

We shall see which one has the better long game, I guess.

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