NYT: FBI sent investigator posing as assistant to meet with Trump aid

Whoopsy daisy. She wasn't supposed to lose. Nobody was supposed to look at any of this stuff. I giggle when I think about how much Trump probably already knows about the shady shit that went down and he just relentlessly trolls the Democrats and their #bornswallowers one piece at a time.
The NYT is trying to beat the Justice Dept to the punch by publishing all these leaks from the FBI. It isn't a good thing that this is coming out this way. They know what they are doing. They are bastards.
But we all know why they are doing it. Their success depends on how many #bornswallowers are left. Unfortunately for them, a recent poll showed a large majority of Americans want this scandal investigated. Noise from the NY Times is no longer credible.

Did those idiots think mueller was upset by Fox News instead of the liberal media mischaracterizing his statements?

I think several of us said that all Nadler had to do was call Mueller to testify in front of the Committee first, if they really want to know what Mueller thinks, get him in ASAP. Dims do not want Reps asking Mueller questions, they always wanted to smear Barr.

Graham will call Mueller to testify if Nadler does not. If I was Barr, I would go to the House Committee meeting and bring Mueller to the meeting and have him sit behind Barr....and see what happens. When they ask him about Mueller I would look at Mueller and say nothing. :)
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The democrats are almost as proficient as their Russian friends in the disinformation campaign.

As more information comes out about the failed coup attempt to fraudulently smear and remove Trump from office the democrats will reach new levels of angst and shrill behavior, if that's possible. It's all about saving any recognizable semblance of the democrat party for the future. As Obama said 10 years ago, transforming the US as we know it was the goal and democrats willingly joined in. The last decades lies, political weaponizing of government and cover-ups are being exposed for all the world to see. Yes, Joe Biden, there were scandals---lots of them. The Obama cabal simultaneously participated in and refused to seriously investigate them.
Better try to destroy Barr now before he OFFICIALLY uncovers all the shenanigans! The libs/dems have really no option now but to keep pushing the narrative until they either loose an election or unseat Trump. Otherwise they will keep rolling down the same hill.

true to an extent

but i’d say it’s about staying out of jail out this point
true to an extent

but i’d say it’s about staying out of jail out this point

Oh definitely that as well. Just thing Nadler and the gang that couldn’t shoot straight would sacrifice everyone else involved as long as they get Trump.....
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