Nutrition thread. Dovetail with Fitness thread


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Sep 21, 2005
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I'd like, for the time being, to have a go-to drink that's not water, milk or coffee, to substitute Diet Coke. Want to get away from artificial sweeteners, and ideally, the new drink may have some caffeine (like DT Coke) and possibly a small bite (like the fizz of a soda).


Second, per the article in Marshall's thread regarding sugar, I never see it pointed out that sugar itself is toxic in and of itself. It is generally linked to obesity and diabetes which indicates and intake of excess. But let's say you never go above your maintenance calories, ever, but say 75% of your calories are from sugar and carbs...would such a diet be toxic?
I used to drink a lot of diet Dr Pepper but now drink mostly iced tea. I do add a couple of artificial sweeteners though. I also drink a Gatorade G2 nearly everyday
I should also add that I really like the "ice" drinks that have zero calories but they do have artificial sweeteners.
Lacroix is a good fit for your question. I forgot about it.

I'd also throw in Kill Cliff if it's after a workout. I wouldn't drink a bunch of them in a day though.
Having had cancer, and doing a lot of investigating.....sugar always popped up in everything I studied. Hard to get it out of your life completely, but it's possible to cut out a huge amount.
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I've gotten off artificial sweeteners altogether.
My drink of choice.....I love infused water. Slice up some oranges and boom....pretty damn good
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I should probably elaborate on this a little as this dovetails into the fitness thread

I'm 5'9 180lbs. I was a fat kid growing up and it's not like I got into sports in high school and lost weight. I just got fatter and fatter and fatter (235) throughout high school/college/post grad.
Then it turned out I had thyroid cancer and when I had it removed I was able to lose weight. I've gone up and down over the years but have kept pretty much around 185 for the most part. I exercise but nothing super
Serious or goal oriented (until now). I have a 1 and 3 year old, work to live but not the opposite, am pretty successful when I'm my field professionally , but want to be around a long time for my family and my dad passed away at 67 from all preventable maladies.

Anyway, I'm 38 and have had persistent gout attacks for 19 years. Most of it is genetic and metabolic . I stay away from the obvious triggers (red meat , alcohol, etc).
Over the last 6 months my attacks have been more frequent, longer in duration, and more severe. I attribute this to starting a medication that actually causes an increase in attacks on the front end, but know I still needed to make changes.
I got sick and tired of it so I've made some changes. I've cut out artificial
Sweetener completely . I've switched from
Whey to vegan protein. I have maybe 1 alcoholic beverage per week. I'll eat 4-6 ounces of red meat per week....always filet as a treat.
I'm consuming a lot less sugar. I have a major sweet tooth and was a Candy hound. I'd eat like 3 packs of starburst at once .
Now I'll eat a small amount of higher end dark chocolate every other night to get my fix
I still drink 2 small cups of coffee per day
I have tripled my water intake
I'm also limiting the amount of meat based protein I consume in a given day.
I'm trying to eat more fish, but not tuna or shellfish because those are triggers.
I'm eating more dairy....a dietician actually recommended full fat yogurt that I will mix with a small amount of honey or some fruit ....keeps me full and lots of protein .
Been doing a lot of smoothies .

I'm the living , breathing embodiment of an average Joe but I've actually started to run and step up my weight training game . I feel like the cleaner eating is really helping.

I'm also on strike from the corral and Sutton court until our shitty basketball team beats Iowa state, OU or West Virginia

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