NSA -- Wow.

If anything can unite the people (Dems, reps, libertarians, progressives, cons, libs, etc) it should be this. Unfortunately, sheep don't care. Bc, "why do I care if someone's listening? I'm not doing anything wrong."
Posted from Rivals Mobile
My way of thinking has changed dramatically in the last year. I'm basically conservative, but very anti-Washington DC.
I think it's pretty easy to get if not approval, then at least acceptance of these privacy intrusions because the media and right wing has done such a good job of teaching fear. Old fashioned cool bravery used to be a virtue -- now alarmism and shrill anxiety at perceived threats are the norm in the media and political dialogue. Scared people agree to lots of things they wouldn't otherwise.

Take Iraq -- mushroom clouds! WMD's!! 911!! Read my signature -- that panicy reaction has been so taught and legitimized that it's common. I don't think a man in 1950 would publicly express that kind of fear, as we just used to be much tougher and not prone to anxiety attacks. I dunno-- I was just raised around a bunch of vets that wouldn't have acted so afraid and anxious over, well, anything. Maybe I'm just getting old and sensibilities have changed.

Sys, the GOP doesn't own a patent on fear mongering. Mediscare, war on women, etc is the way Dems campaign.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
No dispute here. The dems don't convince people to hoard guns and ammo and scream about revolution though. I think comparing the fears of getting vaporized with a nuclear weapon vs. a medicare cut are sure different in degree though.
Bush's Patriot Act was one of the worst attacks on liberty in my lifetime.
Originally posted by syskatine:
I don't think a man in 1950 would publicly express that kind of fear, as we just used to be much tougher and not prone to anxiety attacks.
I think you are greatly overestimating the men of the 1950's. We have and always will be a punch of idiots.
OK, a ray of common sense followed by more partisan team bullshit.

Do you really not understand that BOTH parties play fear politics toward the same end? More centralized power. Less personal freedom. Both use fear tactics to motivate people towards supporting a massive central federal government and then cry like little bitches when the other side does it - you know, to keep up appearances.

Hell I will even allow for the possibility that both liberals and neocons *think* they are doing something good by expanding the government the way they want to and not the way the other guy wants to - but you get a shitty president in office for 8 years at a whack followed by the other guys' shitty president for another 8 years and guess what? It grows in every conceivable direction.

Wise up. Your team sucks as much as theirs.
Originally posted by syskatine:
No dispute here. The dems don't convince people to hoard guns and ammo and scream about revolution though. I think comparing the fears of getting vaporized with a nuclear weapon vs. a medicare cut are sure different in degree though.
But when government collapses (and all governments collapse), the Dems will be sitting with nothing, while the right will have the tools necessary to protect themselves.

Originally posted by aix_xpert:
Originally posted by syskatine:
No dispute here. The dems don't convince people to hoard guns and ammo and scream about revolution though. I think comparing the fears of getting vaporized with a nuclear weapon vs. a medicare cut are sure different in degree though.
But when government collapses (and all governments collapse), the Dems will be sitting with nothing, while the right will have the tools necessary to protect themselves.

Can I have the secret password to your treehouse when it happens?
Originally posted by Tulsaaggieson:
There times mega I just want to slap you on the back and just say right on. This is one of those.
I know what you mean. Sometimes I high five myself though, so consider my back slapped.

Naturally though, Sys has nothing left to say on this thread and has moved on. Oh well..

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