NS: Obama speech on ISIS

Support for the so called FSA will lead to the slaughter of Syria's Christians, who are protected by Assad (a SECULAR dictator).

American foreign policy always puts Christians last. No one cared that the removal of Saddam (another secular dictator who protected the Christian minority) would lead to Christian Genocide. What happened in Mosul was a disgrace. But we didn't intervene until ISil went after a majority Kurdish city.

This, plus support of Israel who has occupied and abused Christian cities for decades should put a end to the myth that America is or has ever been a Christian country, at least in it's foreign policy.
I'll give mine...

There were so many warning signs before 9/11. For example, the major airports in the US were briefed 52 times over possible threats in the summer of 2001. 52 times... think about that. The warning signs are here now.. we need to do something before they do something to us.

This post was edited on 9/10 8:44 PM by tlwwake
Never been one to say this, but why not put this on the Non Sports Board? It's an active board with plenty of opinions.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
To be clear, I support every part of the speech except support for the so called "moderate" rebels in Syria. We out to make common cause with Assad. If we teamed with Stalin, we can make nice with Assad.
Sorry, tc. But, I was originally going to do that. I put it here because it was 400 vs 48. I though it was important enough to put here.
"Obama and his administration were briefed on ISIS last
fall. This problem is a direct result of his failed foreign policy. He
won the presidency by bashing Bush and his handling of the Iraq War. He
won his second term by saying he was going to pull all troops out of
Iraq (and because the Republicans didn't have good candidate). Obama did
what he said he was going to do..We pulled our troops out and ISIS took

I'm just not sure why he feels it necessary to say what we won't do. I'm not for American ground troops, but it is idiotic to continuously announce you won't send troops.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The Middle East, what a mess. I just don't know how it ever end well. Maybe the Saudi's can pull their weight?
I have no military background, so pardon the ignorance, but my question is why must he go on TV, thats clearly televised world wide and describe what USA plans to do in the fight against ISIS. Why not start kicking tail and take names later. Just my opinion.
To be fair, Bush broke a delicate balance in Iraq that had existed for years. It was a secular regime that respected the rights of women and minorities and was an enemy of AL Queda. It had no WMD's, as we now know. After the disaster of the invasion of Iraq, what do we have?

Now we have a religious Sharia government aligned with Iran. Gone are the bars, restaurants and nightclubs that Iraq used to have. Gone are women in positions of power and business. Gone are women being able to leave the house alone.

Gone are the days when the Christian minority held power positions in government. Gone are the days when Saddam's secret police would make hell to pay for Islamic groups that messed with them.

Now we have Christian genocide and over a decade of mass chaos. That's is Bush's mess, not Obama's. ANd it can't be put back together
Just a few minutes notice to anyone following this thread that it will be moved to the 24/7 Politics board tonight.
Originally posted by brtinla:

To be fair, Bush broke a delicate balance in Iraq that had existed for years. It was a secular regime that respected the rights of women and minorities and was an enemy of AL Queda. It had no WMD's, as we now know. After the disaster of the invasion of Iraq, what do we have?

Now we have a religious Sharia government aligned with Iran. Gone are the bars, restaurants and nightclubs that Iraq used to have. Gone are women in positions of power and business. Gone are women being able to leave the house alone.

Gone are the days when the Christian minority held power positions in government. Gone are the days when Saddam's secret police would make hell to pay for Islamic groups that messed with them.

Now we have Christian genocide and over a decade of mass chaos. That's is Bush's mess, not Obama's. ANd it can't be put back together

Obama is a dumb*ss, but Bush was an even bigger one.

What a total goatf*ck.
Since the Arab Spring and really before it has been very hard to discern between the "moderate" opposition and the radicals. The situations over there are more complex than most people myself included can really comprehend. You have/had some of these dictators (Gadaffi, Mubarak, Saddam, Assad, etc,) who keep the Islamists at bay, but they also repress the entire population who deserve a free society. You overthrow those dictators and there is a power vacuum and the most brutal segments ultimately prevail making the situation more unstable than before. The US has never been able to decide what it wants. They support democratic elections and you get the likes of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

I'm afraid that if you support the FSA at this point you have no idea who you are really supporting. John Mccain and Lindsey Graham can say whatever they want but nobody can really tell who is who and even if you can the weapons will fall into enemy hands if the good factions are defeated by ISIL. I'm not saying total inaction is proper, but the strategy of arming the enemies of our enemies has backfired historically. That said, the Kurds have been our friends for a long time. It may not be a perfect relationship but they have been good allies and are present and fighting hard in both Iraq and Syria. We have maintained our relationship with them even after our withdrawal from Iraq and I would trust them more so than any other unaffiliated group.
I think Nixon and Kissenger were right in when you "support the bastard you know". They caught hell for supporting strong men on the 60's and 70's. We have learned over the past 10 years you almost always end up with something worse.
Originally posted by ThePokewithNoName:
Did Obama really say ISIS wasn't an Islamic organization?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yes, yes he did.

One of the most ridiculous statements ever from a US President.

I do get what he wants people to believe, that ISIS doesn't represent Islam but it is non-sense. They're whole ideology is based on Islamic teachings.

The very countries that President Obama wants to join the "coalition" and do the dirty work on the ground support the madrassa's that have taught most of these murdering ISIS leaders.

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