NPR Story On Neil Gorsuch Refusing To Wear Mask Is Fake News


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Hard to argue with a joint press release debunking the BS story put out by NPR.

Hard to argue with a joint press release debunking the BS story put out by NPR.
I almost posted a CNN article this morning which explained that the reason why Gorsuch didn’t wear a mask is because of “male entitlement”. I looked for it just now so we could all laugh together but I can’t find it now. Poof. Gone.

Weird, huh?

EDIT: Found it. Sorry.

Wonder if the numerous leftist journalists that pushed this false story will have the integrity to write a correction and apologize for their lies? Or the easily manipulated leftist poster on this board that made such a big deal about it? I won't hold my breath waiting for either.
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