Now theyre comparing Obama to the Honey Badger


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin Tx
for taking bold executive actions--like every preceding POTUS. Only he's doing it with an obstructionist Congress during the last 2 years of his presidency..No lame duck for Obama and his JA is soaring (like the economy and Dow!!!)

How about those gasoline prices!--Buck 99 !!!

Have some scraps Putin!!!

This never gets old I don't care what's your political party!

November 10: Surprised everyone by announcing his support for strong net neutrality.November 11: Concluded a climate deal with China
that was not only important in its own right, but has since been widely
credited with jumpstarting progress at the Lima talks last week.November 20: Issued an executive order protecting millions of undocumented workers from the threat of deportation.November 26: Signed off on an important new EPA rule significantly limiting ozone emissions.December 15: Took a quiet victory lap as Western financial sanctions considerably sharpened the pain of Vladimir Putin's imploding economy.December 16: Got nearly everything he wanted
during the lame duck congressional session, and more. Democrats
confirmed all important pending nominees, and then got Republican
consent to several dozen lesser ones as well.December 17: Announced a historic renormalization of relations with Cuba.
I guess you can add to that a non-event: In its second year, Obamacare signups are going smoothly and ahead of target.--Mother Jones

This post was edited on 12/27 10:41 PM by CowboyUp
It's cute how liberals think their potus is responsible for everything good in the world. It must be a suck life to wake up every morning wondering what the good ole government is going to do for you that day.
Damn straight!!! We the People ARE the government!!!

Government is owned by all of us collectively...WE make the rules

You take POWER away from US, and give POWER to the hands of the plutocrat few--you get Nixon and Bush/Cheney.
In the words of Tom Delay, a GOP fav (later indicted for money laundering):

"I AM the federal government!"

You're delusional. Government doesn't give a rip about you or me and they do what they please. Either party. 90% are less intelligent than every day hard working Americans, who by the way, make this country great. Government is their to pass blame for shortcomings and take credit for good things.
Originally posted by TPOKE:
It's cute how liberals think their potus is responsible for everything good in the world. It must be a suck life to wake up every morning wondering what the good ole government is going to do for you that day.
Why do you hate government?

Do you hate government for keeping you safe from terrorists?

Do you hate government for making sure your food isn't spoiled?

Do you hate government for inspecting that airplanes are maintained for safety?

Do you hate government for fixing your roads and bridges?

Do you hate government for making sure doctors have licenses and not quacks?

I could name a jillion more...

So what's your beef TPOKE?

Are you free to speak?

Are you free to travel wherever you want?

Has Obama come after your guns?


Government OF THE PEOPLE with rules and laws--Is that your definition of "a suck life"?
Originally posted by CowboyUp:
Damn straight!!! We the People ARE the government!!!

Government is owned by all of us collectively...WE make the rules

You take POWER away from US, and give POWER to the hands of the plutocrat few--you get Nixon and Bush/Cheney.

exactly the opposite of what you seem to believe is occurring has been happening for nearly 6 years.
Wwhere did I say I hated the government and didn't think they had a place? Stereotyping like the typical lib.
If we should be grateful to Obama for current low gasoline prices, shouldn't we be really pissed for the past six years of ridiculously high gasoline prices?

Why wouldn't that be his fault?
Originally posted by CowboyUp:
Now theyre comparing Obama to the Honey Badger[/URL]
Obama has been arrested on drug related charges?
Originally posted by wyomingosualum:

If we should be grateful to Obama for current low gasoline prices, shouldn't we be really pissed for the past six years of ridiculously high gasoline prices?

Why wouldn't that be his fault?
Originally posted by CowboyUp:
Originally posted by TPOKE:
It's cute how liberals think their potus is responsible for everything good in the world. It must be a suck life to wake up every morning wondering what the good ole government is going to do for you that day.
Why do you hate government?

Do you hate government for keeping you safe from terrorists?

Do you hate government for making sure your food isn't spoiled?

Do you hate government for inspecting that airplanes are maintained for safety?

Do you hate government for fixing your roads and bridges?

Do you hate government for making sure doctors have licenses and not quacks?

I could name a jillion more...

So what's your beef TPOKE?

Are you free to speak?

Are you free to travel wherever you want?

Has Obama come after your guns?


Government OF THE PEOPLE with rules and laws--Is that your definition of "a suck life"?
Nah, it's more the fact they are terribly inefficient, wasteful, and corrupt at accomplishing all of the above.
Originally posted by wyomingosualum:

If we should be grateful to Obama for current low gasoline prices, shouldn't we be really pissed for the past six years of ridiculously high gasoline prices?

Why wouldn't that be his fault?
Not to mention HISTORICALLY high meat prices.
And what we really know is he can't be compared to say a Nolan Ryan, especially after watching that opening day pitch back when. He's no athlete no matter how hard they try to portray him as such.

This post was edited on 12/29 6:23 PM by windriverrange
Originally posted by CowboyUp:
for taking bold executive actions--like every preceding POTUS. Only he's doing it with an obstructionist Congress during the last 2 years of his presidency..No lame duck for Obama and his JA is soaring (like the economy and Dow!!!)

How about those gasoline prices!--Buck 99 !!!

Have some scraps Putin!!!

This never gets old I don't care what's your political party!

November 10: Surprised everyone by announcing his support for strong net neutrality.
November 11: Concluded a climate deal with China that was not only important in its own right, but has since been widely credited with jumpstarting progress at the Lima talks last week.
November 20: Issued an executive order protecting millions of undocumented workers from the threat of deportation.
November 26: Signed off on an important new EPA rule significantly limiting ozone emissions.
December 15: Took a quiet victory lap as Western financial sanctions considerably sharpened the pain of Vladimir Putin's imploding economy.
December 16: Got nearly everything he wanted during the lame duck congressional session, and more. Democrats confirmed all important pending nominees, and then got Republican consent to several dozen lesser ones as well.
December 17: Announced a historic renormalization of relations with Cuba.I guess you can add to that a non-event: In its second year, Obamacare signups are going smoothly and ahead of target.--Mother Jones

This post was edited on 12/27 10:41 PM by CowboyUp
Hey CUP. What did he do before election day? You'd think if these were such popular ideas that he wouldn't have to hide them until after the elections in order to "protect his party". Then again, maybe it wasn't the election. It might have simply become cold enough that he can't be out on a golf course so had time to pen an executive order or two.

Originally posted by syskatine:
Pretty much sums it up, IMO.
Thank you "do nothing" Congress.

Spending in current dollars has remained steady since 2010 and spending as a percent of GDP has gone down. In 2009, 125 bills were enacted into law. In 2010, 258.

Since that time Congress, year by year, became one of the least productive in history. And the more unproductive Washington became, the more the economy began to improve.

Krugman is a smart guy who is an embarrassment to his former self.

Will Obamacare actually be fully inacted in 2015 or will it be waiver city once again? How can we hope to understand the impact of a bill when only the "goodies" have been inacted and none of the "pain"?
Riiiight. Krugman nailed it. Just look at all the old Putin hysteria in the other threads. You guys are so wrong, so consistently it's amazing.
Putin hysteria? Not from me. Obama was dead wrong about Russia in the 2012 campaign, though.

Now back to what the majority of Krugman's column was devoted to: the economy. Sort of mysterioius that when Obama's kickback, errrr stimulus packages ran dry that the economy finally started to find its legs.

Do you have any insight? Will Obamacare be implemented fully in 2015? Ever? Will the WH continue to flout the Constitution by changing its legacy legistlation by fiat?
Our wonderful government added 75,000 pages and 1200 new regulations in 2014 alone.

Government regulation costs the economy 2 trillion dollars every year.

Personally I don't think we are getting our money's worth but lib brainiacs want us to spend more. The government is fubar.
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:

Now back to what the majority of Krugman's column was devoted to: the economy. Sort of mysterioius that when Obama's kickback, errrr stimulus packages ran dry that the economy finally started to find its legs.

It looks to me like the turn around in the economy coincides almost exactly with the stimulus.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:

Now back to what the majority of Krugman's column was devoted to: the economy. Sort of mysterioius that when Obama's kickback, errrr stimulus packages ran dry that the economy finally started to find its legs.

It looks to me like the turn around in the economy coincides almost exactly with the stimulus.
So, you agree with me? Nice.

U.S. population end of 2014: 319MM

U.S. population end of 2007: 302MM
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:

Now back to what the majority of Krugman's column was devoted to: the economy. Sort of mysterioius that when Obama's kickback, errrr stimulus packages ran dry that the economy finally started to find its legs.

It looks to me like the turn around in the economy coincides almost exactly with the stimulus.
So, you agree with me? Nice.

U.S. population end of 2014: 319MM

U.S. population end of 2007: 302MM
I think I disagree with you, but maybe not maybe just a miscommunication. Let me clarify: the US economy stoppd hemorrhaging jobs and started adding them during the period the stimulus was at peak spending. It would be foolish to try to argue the economy is better now relative to potential than it was in 2007.
Pilt are the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer under Obama and liberal economic policy?
Originally posted by HighStickHarry:
Pilt are the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer under Obama and liberal economic policy?
Plus these economic metrics:

- Middle class losing ground...getting poorer
- Average wages falling
- 90+ million working age Americans not working
- Highest number of people on food stamps
- People living in poverty worse in two generations
- National debt has increased 7.5 trillion
Originally posted by HighStickHarry:
Pilt are the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer under Obama and liberal economic policy?
Yes. I would ask, what liberal economic policy you are refering to? I would say that perpetual insufficient demand and favoring asset growth to wage growth are the main culprits here and neither are supported by liberal policy, though they are often supported by Obama and neolibs.