Now I know how libs/BSGs/NSGs and other beta-cucks feel on a Saturday morning ...

Like AOC and the squad you are also against the bill. Now we know who you side with.

The bill was long overdue.

Bill is a giant festering pile of crap! It was long overdue to be strangles in te crib. My guess is they handed these "R's" some infrastructure goodies to ease their conscious to be Benedict Arnolds.

The hard left was against because it wasn't socialist enough fair enough within their own caucus. The RINOS on the other hand have absolutely no business whatsoever helping pass anything that is socialist, huge difference. They did nothing but muddle their parties message instead of killing off a bill that is mostly giveaways, taxes and amnesty.
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Completely full of socialist stuff

Nope, not really
Completely full of socialist stuff

Nope, not really

Biden's plan includes $621 billion for transportation, $400 billion for homecare service, $300 billion for manufacturing and $180 billion for research and development.

Under their "traditional" definition of infrastructure, the GOP email limits what counts as infrastructure spending to include the $115 billion the plan allocates for modernizing highways, roads and main streets, $25 billion to airports and $17 billion for inland waterways, ports and ferries.

However, Biden's plan also calls for $85 billion to modernize public transit, $80 billion for Amtrak, $50 billion to safeguard critical infrastructure and $20 billion to improve road safety.

If we include the aforementioned $235 billion additional funding for transportation infrastructure, plus the $126 billion for building housing units, the $112 billion to build public schools and improve community college facilities, the $111 billion for water infrastructure, the $100 billion for digital infrastructure and the $100 billion for power infrastructure, infrastructure accounts for about 30% of the $2.65 trillion plan as announced by the White House.
My definition of infrastructure is roads and highways, period!

Building public schools, a sop to the scumbag teachers unions and should be a local issue. You wouldn't need those new schools if there was school choice...hummmm!

Amtrak like the post office is hemorrhaging cash, but yea another 80 billion should do the trick!

Modernizing public transit should be a wholly local issue.

$100 billion for power infrastructure, awesome we're finally building more pipelines, oops that means green energy BS not actual sustainable "power."

$400 billion for homecare services?????? Please do tell how that fits into "highways and bridges"?

The RINOS were bought off, nothing more nothing less.....
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Completely full of socialist stuff

Nope, not really

I think that might’ve glossed over some of the 2000 pages.
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