Normies vs Rebels

NZ Poke

Heisman Candidate
Dec 16, 2007
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Its a play on today' culture. We are so accepting of alternative lifestyle choices (things that would reflect rebellious behavior in earlier generations) that those who choose to abstain from this peer pressure and conform to classical gender roles are now the real rebels.
I get the point but the images don’t work for it.

Lots of the TDS afflicted Resistance normies look exactly like the nerds they are.

Conversely I know lots of tattooed MAGA who don’t look safe or conservative.

@NZ Poke, your mememasters failed you big time on this one.

You did get your usual FrankEaton like, so you have that going for you still....I guess.
Also, normal is boring. I really hate that word actually because anything not normal generally implies deviancy or at the least has a pejorative connotation.
The % of women with tattoos in the US is estimated to be about 25.

They’ve studied the sex activity of tattooed women vs. non and found ZERO scientific significance in the data.

Regardless: both
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I’m a survivor.

I recently spent more than a decade (close to 15 years) living in some of the Western Hemisphere’s most “progressive” cities — inside and outside the US — by choice.

I enjoyed being in those places, until about 2015 or 16. Around the time they started getting angry, violent and overly-obsessed with putting mentally-ill men into women’s bathrooms.

I was usually surrounded by “progressives”, at work, and amongst friends.

And I experienced the early days (golden era) of Tinder (the dating app) in a city loaded with beautiful women.

Tinder was amazing to experience, and horrible at the same time. And it literally changed society and behavior. STD rates have **quadrupled** in most places since Tinder came out about five years ago — a staggering rise in a short period.

From first hand personal experience (including world travels), I know better than most what has happened, culturally, in a very short time — and I’m definitely not a square.

I’m glad to be out of the single life, and to have found a wife. Especially with what has happened in the singles world. It’s rough — I feel bad for my single guy friends.

It was a lot of fun living in liberal places, but that world became insanely, mindblowingly degenerate and diseased (literally).

What an effing snowflake you reveal yourself to be here.
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Talk about your incel posts of all incel posts.

Let’s talk about whether women prefer debt free virgins without tattoos......

.....or neck beards
.....or fedoras.
At the same time.

Does that make me a “normie” or a “rebel” though.

It marks you as the sort of person who recently discussed monetary opinion with your neighbor, who was considering “appropriating” some money from their employer, and asked you what you would do if you had a million dollars.
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It marks you as the sort of person who recently discussed monetary opinion with your neighbor, who was considering “appropriating” some money from their employer, and asked you what you would do if you had a million dollars.

Only fractions of pennies.

That’s not embezzlement. That’s just “rounding” to even numbers for ease of transactions.

Nobody goes to PYITA prison for that, right?
somebody is going to imply or argue “Philipunes” is not a typo and is somehow a racist reference
Just means that she'll (I assume she) will be a Philipian. You know, those folks where John wrote the book to the church of Philippi.

The book of Philippians, or the lesser known book of Philipunes as the scholars call it.
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Only fractions of pennies.

That’s not embezzlement. That’s just “rounding” to even numbers for ease of transactions.

Nobody goes to PYITA prison for that, right?

No, not at all. But you might ask the door to door magazine salesperson about laundering techniques.

Personally, I’m having the second day of a case of the Mundays and it all revolves around some “PC Load Letter” messages.....
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