No "Radical Islamic terrorists" in speech---what happened Donald? Copying Obama again?

So Donald--already taking your foreign policy talking points from the Skinny Muslim??? you haven't been in office half a year!!! Lol
Clearly #triggered because Trump hasn't gone on an apology tour yet...

So Donald--already taking your foreign policy talking points from the Skinny Muslim??? you haven't been in office half a year!!! Lol
Odumbass couldn't bring himself to say it to the American public let alone any other government during 8 pathetic years of his "leadership." That lip wristed goat herder even tried to claim the Fort Hood terrorist attack was "workplace violence." A complete disgrace to anyone with a set of balls and brains. Trump said it during his campaign. You'll have to forgive him for not saying it to a group of Muslim leaders with whom he's vowing to work with. But they do seem to respect that Trump has a pair of balls like Moochelle has. It finally looks like we'll be doing something in the middle east. 8 years of attempted hand jobs only made them think the USA was a giant worn out vagina like Odumbass was.
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Believe we struck a nerve!!!!

Guarantee we'll never hear another tweet out of Pussy Don about "radical Islamic terrorists"!!! Now he's getting his talking points from Putin AND Obama..!!! LMAO

Believe we struck a nerve!!!!

Guarantee we'll never hear another tweet out of Pussy Don about "radical Islamic terrorists"!!! Now he's getting his talking points from Putin AND Obama..!!! LMAO

He's already taking up for Crooked Hillary!!!!!!!!!! He'll be calling her husband nexT!!! Hahahaha

Believe we struck a nerve!!!!

Guarantee we'll never hear another tweet out of Pussy Don about "radical Islamic terrorists"!!! Now he's getting his talking points from Putin AND Obama..!!! LMAO
Obama had the pussy. His man had the twigs and berries.
TAlk about a PUSSY---What a lying coward half a world away!!! Won't even use the words "radical Islamic terrorist" that he dumps on the American people with his tweeter!!!
Only Treasonist Don the Pussy curtsies to Muslims and shares Israeli Intel with Russian spies in the Oval Office.
In homeland of 9/11 hijackers!!!
Is this what the new world caliphate looks like???
After spilling Code Red Intel to Russians and ISIS in the Oval Office!!!
After colluding with Russians to hijack our elections!!!
Impeach the bastard!!!!!
Makes me wanna puke!!!


What the hell is that--a circle jerk in memory of Saudi good Ol' boys bin laden and 9/11 hijackers????
Trump Tower for Mecca??? Ali Jerkoff!!!
US taxpayers funding our president on a Saudi circle jerk halfway around the globe????
IMPEACH the bastard!!!

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