Of all the recent TWD threads, I jumped into this one...fitting since I stopped watching a year ago after Negan came onto the scene.
I don't know...as shocking as that all was, it just kind of "ended the intrigue" of the whole show for me. Can't put my finger on any one reason or thing...
I don't know who's dead or alive at this point, doesn't really matter. It's strange because I really enjoyed my Sunday night experience watching the show with my wife...
I guess the roller coaster of getting interested in characters and then investing in watching them only to have them play a weird game of Russian roulette every season just finally worn off. Maybe that's it, with all the horrible things going on in the world, I find myself trying to find more uplifting or at least interesting forms of entertainment instead of more doom and gloom.
Whatever it is, it's just not fun anymore, and that's strange since I have always dug the zombie thing. Fart.