Or are in a perpetual orgasm like the previous 8 years.Its actually funny. If the media would actual give Trump credit for the things he does right (such as getting NK to the table), then their criticisms of him would become much more effective. But when you simply hate rather than actually report, the message gets lost.
Its actually funny. If the media would actual give Trump credit for the things he does right (such as getting NK to the table), then their criticisms of him would become much more effective. But when you simply hate rather than actually report, the message gets lost.
Get them to the table??? Are you serious??
Its actually funny. If the media would actual give Trump credit for the things he does right (such as getting NK to the table), then their criticisms of him would become much more effective. But when you simply hate rather than actually report, the message gets lost.
Get them to the table??? Are you serious??
Sooooo...not a damn thing has changed lol. More pointless Pom Poms posts
When NK denukes wake me up lolThis is why they won't change, it works.
When NK denukes wake me up lol
That's a shit point that you think is good.
You're never going to graduate to the big boy table until you understand the nuance of the shit you only see as black and white.
Your bullshit doesn’t work here lol...black and white is how this works - NK either has nukes or they don’t. They do, and your beloved orange man isn’t doing a damn thing about it, yet you shake them Pom Poms Alf it’s really helping haha
Plenty has changed in regards to NK. You'd have to actively avoid facts to not see.
But your pinhole, manipulated view doesn't allow you to acknowledge the process.
Plenty has changed in regards to NK. You'd have to actively avoid facts to not see.
But your pinhole, manipulated view doesn't allow you to acknowledge the process.
Any news from the Left on the impending war with NK due to DT's actions? I remember when that was all but inevitable
Any news from the Left on the impending war with NK due to DT's actions? I remember when that was all but inevitable
More bullshit lol. Not a damn thing has changed and you know it, so cut the bullshit Alf you’re getting truly desperate haha
Do you really believe that?
Yes. 100 percent, Alf. You wanna keep getting completely owned here or you gonna bow out gracefully haha
I thought I got the best stuff out there, but I need some of that reality warping shit you have.
Do you have any seeds I can give the grow house and get some numbers on?
Yes. 100 percent, Alf. You wanna keep getting completely owned here or you gonna bow out gracefully haha
You're exhibit 1A of how the NPC meme came to have such punch.
You're exhibit 1A of how the NPC meme came to have such punch.
You're two posts away from being called a racist.
***thinks NK will denuke, bought into the bullshit with no semblance of cynicism lol***
***thinks NK will denuke, bought into the bullshit with no semblance of cynicism lol***
***thinks NK will denuke, bought into the bullshit with no semblance of cynicism lol***
Your tribe really isn't good at this.
As "Alf" points out, you have no idea how to make this work. It's beyond your understanding.
Have you asked me what I support? No, you haven't. So you project that I'm unable to respond positively to the question in the meme. Bad assumption. Renders the meme meaningless and you a joke.
Stick to grilling.
Sooooo...nondenial denial got it lol. Can’t argue the #facts...more Bad Brad Bullshit
Otherwise I'm forced to assume that you're mentally slow.
It's truly impressive.
Hint: you have some responsibility in this. Otherwise I'm forced to assume that you're mentally slow.
"27" is ages ago.
Soooooo...still running mental laps around ya got it lol. You make all too easy Brad, and you know it
I know that you have no idea how to advance your side of a debate. You're on the level of a 3rd grader. Just above my youngest niece, but significantly slower than my 2 eldest nieces.
2nd, 5th, and 6th graders.
27, 27, 29 sir...your inability to remember, well, anything, is uncanny lol
I remember quite well.
29 is the outlier.
Mean = 27.6
Median = 27
Mode = 27
Face it, by any measure, you're just not impressive. At your best, you were slightly above average in aptitude. But you've neglected accepting edification, and it shows on here...a BUNCH.
You've regressed.
"Use it or lose it" is a real thing buddy.
27, 27, 29 sir...your inability to remember, well, anything, is uncanny lol
What's funny is you throw that around like it means something. That matters pre college, after we're measured on achievements, contributions and loot.
How do you stack up there with your peers?
Nowhere near the 90th percentile post your crowning achievement.
The achievers in your peer set won't even eat at the place you work.
They've moved up the food chain while you hold the title of smartest line cook at your local chain restaurant.