New Orleans, pfft...

Generous Motors sent granddaughter-in-law to New Orleans in January from Little Rock. She is Buick-GMC south-central sales manager. She is liaison between GM and a bunch of Mississippi and Louisiana dealers. Grand kids live on Lake Ponchartrain's north shore. Grand son works from home. Both are OU grads. No student debt.

Granddaughter is card carrying Choctaw. Family and the Nation are proud.

The kids are making ready for Barry.
Good friend of mine is a retired NO Policeman. He lost everything when Katrina hit, his house was close to one of the levees that broke. His house had 9 ft of water in it. What the nasty water didn't destroy the rest was stolen. He bought a house across Lake Ponchartrain so it wouldn't happen again but he is moving to Texas soon.
He lived on some type of ship, cruise ship I think during the first few weeks because he still had to work his job as a policeman. He said the stench on the ship was horrendous and he never got any sleep because of noisy kids.
Oh and the crime was horrendous and still is to this day, he just retired 3 yrs ago he told me there are a few neighborhoods the cops are not allowed to go into unless there are 2 of them.
Uh oh, I see the juice box lobby has arrived.

Ha ha
the population of new orleans metro is around 1.2 million....700,000 are on welfare. This was before katrina but I'm sure it's still fairly accurate percentage wise. Lots of poverty.

Is that number real????