New Jersey Shooting

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003

Interesting story. I'm interested in learning more about this.

1). The original report was that they shooters chose the kosher deli at random, but there are now claims that it was not random and this was a hate crime. I'm wondering how they determined that.

2). What homicide were the shooters suspects in?

3). Why did the cop confront 2 homicide suspects, in a cemetery, without backup?

4). What's up with the explosive device they had in the back of their van? What were they planning?

5). If this was a targeted antisemitic attack, why hit the deli instead of the synagogue next door?
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Same, I’ve heard conflicting reports as to if this was a targeted Jewish shooting or not.
Also we are on our Third mass shooting at one of our homeland military installations after last night. Everything is normal.
You mean to tell me some of you are questioning the MSM narrative?

I am.

On the one hand, it seems weird that these guys kill a cop, drive away, and just happen to go to ground in a kosher deli. It sounds like they weren't being pursued by cops, they just drove their, crashed their van and killed some people, then holed up and had a shootout with cops.

On the other hand, the narrative was that this was a random target, then the narrative suddenly changed.

I'm very interested in hearing more. This could be nothing, or it could be that these two guys are domestic terrorists and that they could have done a hell of a lot more damage than they ended up doing. The dead cop could be a hero, a patsy, or just a victim of bad luck.

@HighStickHarry I don't think the identity of the shooters has been made public. Why?

I have to admit I've no clue what the Black Hebrew Israelite movement is. Would that be an antisemitism group or a Semite group that hates other Semites?

I have to admit I've no clue what the Black Hebrew Israelite movement is. Would that be an antisemitism group or a Semite group that hates other Semites?

Never heard of it either. Learning some interesting stuff here.

Black Judaism is ... a form of institutionalized (congregational) religious expression in which black persons identify themselves as Jews, Israelites, or Hebrews ... in a manner that seems unacceptable to the "whites" of the world's Jewish community, primarily because Jews take issue with the various justifications set forth by Black Jews in establishing this identity. Thus "Black Judaism," as defined here, stands distinctly apart from "black Judaism," or that Judaic expression found among black persons that would be acceptable to the world's Jewish community, such as conversion or birth from a recognized Jewish mother. "Black Judaism" has been a social movement; "black Judaism" has been an isolated social phenomenon.[14]

Allegations of black supremacy and racism[edit]
In late 2008, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) wrote that "the extremist fringe of the Hebrew Israelite movement" is black supremacist. It also wrote that the members of such groups "believe that Jews are devilish impostors and ... openly condemn whites as evil personified, deserving only death or slavery". The SPLC also wrote that "most Hebrew Israelites are neither explicitly racist nor anti-Semitic and do not advocate violence".[63]

The Black Hebrew groups characterized as black supremacist by the SPLC include the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge,[64] the Nation of Yahweh[65] and the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ.[63] Also, the Anti-Defamation League has written that the "12 Tribes of Israel" website, maintained by a Black Hebrew group, promotes black supremacy.[66]

A 1999 FBI terrorism risk assessment report stated that "violent radical fringe members" of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement hold "beliefs [that] bear a striking resemblance to the Christian Identity theology practiced by many white supremacists."[67][68] It also wrote that "the overwhelming majority of [Black Hebrew Israelites] are unlikely to engage in violence."[67]
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I believe the gentleman that started the ruckus with the Covington kids were members of this group. Could be wrong though.

The native american dude? I don't think so. I do remember something about a group of "Black Hebrews/Israelites" being present and having words with the Covington kids. The native american dude supposedly attempted to intercede to prevent the situation from escalating.
The native american dude? I don't think so. I do remember something about a group of "Black Hebrews/Israelites" being present and having words with the Covington kids. The native american dude supposedly attempted to intercede to prevent the situation from escalating.

I wasn’t commenting on the Native American dude at all.

Edit: should have said gentlemen, not gentleman.
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I am.

On the one hand, it seems weird that these guys kill a cop, drive away, and just happen to go to ground in a kosher deli. It sounds like they weren't being pursued by cops, they just drove their, crashed their van and killed some people, then holed up and had a shootout with cops.

On the other hand, the narrative was that this was a random target, then the narrative suddenly changed.

I'm very interested in hearing more. This could be nothing, or it could be that these two guys are domestic terrorists and that they could have done a hell of a lot more damage than they ended up doing. The dead cop could be a hero, a patsy, or just a victim of bad luck.

@HighStickHarry I don't think the identity of the shooters has been made public. Why?
There might be the chance that all the questions have not been answered...….I would suggest that we wait for those from Fox
Uh, if you're familiar with the situation from which your avatar arose, you would know of them.
I'm aware they were the ones taunting the kids. But what do they stand for and why would they be motivated to shoot up that place?
Because they think they are the true descendants from the Israelites, not the Jews. It's black supremacy, just a different pigment of white supremacy, basically.

I'm thinking about starting a Jewish Supremacy movement.
That's on the list. I think we will also try to gain control of banks, media and the movie industry. While we are at it, we will write all of the most popular X-mas songs so we can laugh about your adoration for them forever.

The native american dude? I don't think so. I do remember something about a group of "Black Hebrews/Israelites" being present and having words with the Covington kids. The native american dude supposedly attempted to intercede to prevent the situation from escalating.
It wasn't the Indian who started it. It was the radical black sect that started it, and the Indian decided to chime in.
It wasn't the Indian who started it. It was the radical black sect that started it, and the Indian decided to chime in.

If only I had said that in the exact same thread you quoted.

I guess I shouldn't expect a Sooner to be proficient in basic reading comprehension.
If only I had said that in the exact same thread you quoted.

I guess I shouldn't expect a Sooner to be proficient in basic reading comprehension.
Your post was factually inaccurate. The Indian didn't initiate the conflict, but he didn't "intercede". The black terrorist organization decided to start some shit, and the Indian decided to get a piece of the action.
Your post was factually inaccurate. The Indian didn't initiate the conflict, but he didn't "intercede". The black terrorist organization decided to start some shit, and the Indian decided to get a piece of the action.

No. My post was 100% accurate. The Indian claimed that he was attempting to diffuse conflict between the two groups. Therefore, he "supposedly" interceded. You are showing off your MAGA pom poms by picking nits in this case.
No. My post was 100% accurate. The Indian claimed that he was attempting to diffuse conflict between the two groups. Therefore, he "supposedly" interceded. You are showing off your MAGA pom poms by picking nits in this case.
Not nit-picking at all. The tale of the tape showed him getting as close as he could to the kid without committing a battery. I guess you could say he "interceded" on behalf of the black terrorist group, but he certainly wasn't attempting to diffuse the situation.
Once again. I said "supposedly" interceded. None of us can read minds, so we can't really say what his intentions/line of thinking was at the time.