New Humanities course this fall at KU

Let me guess, person teaching this is an African american male that earned an affirmative action degree at a lower level college and is getting paid $300K a year to brain wash people.
There will certainly be some ladies with armpit hair and bad tattoos of Che Guevara on their forearms and men who wear skinny jeans and insist on low fat soy milk that will enroll in this course and then bitch about their student loan debt. I might enroll just to take in the freakshow.
Let me guess, person teaching this is an African american male that earned an affirmative action degree at a lower level college and is getting paid $300K a year to brain wash people.

Nope. White guilt is what drives this guy.

So how many snow flake women will go hoping to meet a male with no toxic masculinity?
The male estrogen and female testosterone will be off the charts. There's no way I can place odds on how many bearded women will pursue men who still breast feed at a multi-week course such as this. The computers that calculate this stuff will break before we get started. You'll probably need to ask one of the board's eunuch soyboys like @Syskatine his thoughts.
The male estrogen and female testosterone will be off the charts. There's no way I can place odds on how many bearded women will pursue men who still breast feed at a multi-week course such as this. The computers that calculate this stuff will break before we get started.

Post of the year!

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Only if you can picture it as syskateen begging truckers for business. Otherwise think more along the lines of RuPaul but white, middle-aged, fat, and self loathing, and you'll be saying BINGO.
So Sys is a lot lizard?
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There will certainly be some ladies with armpit hair and bad tattoos of Che Guevara on their forearms and men who wear skinny jeans and insist on low fat soy milk that will enroll in this course and then bitch about their student loan debt. I might enroll just to take in the freakshow.

None of us give a shit if you enroll, but you damned sure better not post any pics!
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