New HS rule changes

i would have thought NFHS would have waited a couple of years before screwing with takedown points to see if it actually provided the desired results. What I have seen shows less takedowns per match than previous year.

I do like the one point, when there is mat space. Some of these tournaments on small mats, with safety areas condensed, are fixing to get dicy.
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i would have thought NFHS would have waited a couple of years before screwing with takedown points to see if it actually provided the desired results. What I have seen shows less takedowns per match than previous year.
The main advantage is that there are more TFs, and therefore shorter matches. Not much else changed, or at least not enough to move the needle in one year of analysis.
I don’t have data to back it up, but it sure seemed like the pace was pushed significantly.

Maybe there were less takedowns? I don’t know? I did however enjoy the urgency to get the 1st TD and the amplified urgency when behind.
I don’t have data to back it up, but it sure seemed like the pace was pushed significantly.

Maybe there were less takedowns? I don’t know? I did however enjoy the urgency to get the 1st TD and the amplified urgency when behind.
Here you go. The downside to this analysis is that it is based on scoring per match, and not minute wrestled. I think with the increase TFs, you would probably see TDs/minute go up, which makes more sense than them going down per match. Just food for thought. I honestly think a pushout rule would increase scoring by getting wrestlers into the middle more often and having more action.

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We'll have to see how it plays out, but I'm not sure it's going to be all that great for high school wrestling. It'll allow dominant wrestlers to get TF's more often so tournaments and duals will move along a bit faster. However, I think the draw back will really show up in the 3rd period of 1 takedown matches. Now instead of 2-1 or 3-2, a lot of scores will be 3-1 or 4-2, and with most high school refs, kids will be able to flirt with stalling the entire 3rd period and not have to worry about giving up the 2 points.
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We'll have to see how it plays out, but I'm not sure it's going to be all that great for high school wrestling. It'll allow dominant wrestlers to get TF's more often so tournaments and duals will move along a bit faster. However, I think the draw back will really show up in the 3rd period of 1 takedown matches. Now instead of 2-1 or 3-2, a lot of scores will be 3-1 or 4-2, and with most high school refs, kids will be able to flirt with stalling the entire 3rd period and not have to worry about giving up the 2 points.
We saw that a few times this past season. A great defensive wrestler up 3-1 is almost unbeatable because they can take two stall calls before a point is given up.
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